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he insults Geneviève de Fontenay live “you leave my wife”

Since the start of confinement, many celebrities are putting on lives in order to stay closer to their community. Yoga, cooking, science lessons, or interviews, new ideas come up regularly. This is the case of Sylvie Tellier, who daily decides to make lives confidences on his Instagram account, along with several former Miss France.

This Wednesday, April 22, the contest director invited Miss France 1987, the famous Nathalie Marquay. A perfect opportunity for her to tell a few little ones Crisp anecdotes about Geneviève de Fontenay. Nathalie Marquay immediately broached the subject of his story after telling the funny story where the Miss’s representative had lost her hat on the plane. complicated relationship with it.

At the time, Geneviève de Fontenay said she was busy ” far too much of his private life ” And despite what former Miss France considered her ” like his second mother “Sometimes it some conflicts. However, the two women remained very close, and had a relationship ” exceptional ” However, in 2005, everything changed when Nathalie Marquay decided to participate in a reality TV show on TF1, ” There were problems with ‘The firm celebrity’. I was made up of a story. And since I didn’t talk to her, like I didn’t tell her what was going on, she got angry and then she went to see her favorite little journalists saying that bastards about me

“You leave my wife”

A story so far “known” to the general public, but of which nobody knew the outcome. Still, it was clearly worth it. During the live opposite Sylvie Tellier, friend of Geneviève de Fontenay, Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s wife wanted to confide in the sequel which does not lack spice, “ Jean-Pierre took his phone. He insulted her on the phone and he said, “Now leave my wife alone,” and then lots of other things ” To appease the moment, Sylvie Tellier wanted to express her gratitude to the former Miss director, even if everything is of course not acceptable, ” that’s not why we have to tolerate all the little slippages ” A story that fortunately did not prevent the presenter of the news at 1 p.m. to receive each year, with the greatest pleasure, the selected Misses, on its set.

See also: Jean-Pierre Pernaut retired? His wife Nathalie gives the answer


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