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He included her in luxury and they are already looking for a love nest – eXtra.cz

Well, it’s true after all… Dominika Mesarošová (38) ended up in the arms of this fallen media magnate despite the absolutely terrifying stories of her good friend Agáta Hanychová (39) about Jaromír Soukup (55). Blesk was the first to report about it. The editors of eXtra.cz spoke to one of Dominika’s closest friends about this, who revealed surprising details to us.

Jaromír Soukup and Dominika Mesarošová: New couple

Jaromír Soukup must have that famous “man”, which is talked about in connection with the legendary agent Austin Powers. Otherwise, it would not even be possible that two close friends of the influencer Agáta Hanychová became the ladies of his heart in a short period of time.

That is, women who should have had so many warning signs from Hanychová about Mr. Jaromír’s behavior that they should not jump at any of his flattery.

But as it seems, despite the fact that a pair newly burned by lightning they are keeping silent for now, they are not only dating, but at the same time planning their future.

A fairy tale of love

“I don’t want to disappoint Dominica’s trust, but yes it’s true they are together. If I understood correctly, they got together over the summer. And Domča is really happy,” one of her closest souls confided to eXtra.cz under the guarantee of anonymity.

“According to her, Jaromír Soukup has incredible charisma. He completely charmed her. She is satisfied and indicated that she is practically living a fairy tale in all respects. He treats her like a queen, he is incredibly gallant, kind, attentive, funny and also extremely intelligent. In short, she has everything she lacked in a partner in recent years,” the friend continues.

From the shift for a lover

And then she added the details.

“Dominika flew to see Jaromír every other week, depending on how she had her son in rotation. And they didn’t just meet in Spain,” he adds.

According to her, Mesarošová was not only included by her new boyfriend with flattery, but also with attention. “There were a lot of expensive gifts, but I don’t want to specify them,” claims a source whose close friendship with Dominika we have confirmed.

Recommended video: Recent interview with Dominika Mesarošová:

In addition, the couple is said to have gone so far into the relationship that they are already thinking about a future together. “During the conversation, Dominika boasted that she and Soukup are already looking for a joint apartment,” he continues.

The editors of eXtra.cz repeatedly contacted Mesarošová herself, but sometimes the talkative woman suddenly does not respond. Jaromír Soukup refuses to communicate with us for a long time. Agáta herself told eXtra.cz that she didn’t really know what to think. “I’m not sure about my friends anymore” she admitted.

So we’ll see how it goes with the new couple.

Dominika Mesarošová broke up with the father of her five-year-old son Elián just a few months ago. They were with their partner Tomáš for seven years.

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