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“He has sold his children”

Although it was believed that the war between Frank Cuesta (52 years old) and his ex-wife, Yuyee Alissa Intusmith (51), seemed to be coming to an end, nothing could be further from the truth. Despite the fact that on August 27, EL ESPAÑOL published that the herpetologist and the mother of his children had reached an agreement to put the Liberty Sanctuary in the name of the second of his offspring, Zorroand give it away for a monetary amount, Cuesta continues to attack his ex-partner through his social networks.

This Tuesday, September 10, Frank Cuesta and his second-born son were leaving some offices near where Santuario Libertad is located and were carrying all the documents in their hands.. The papers confirm not only the change of ownership, but the money paid to Yuyee6.200.000 baht -about 165,000 euros-.

“We are here where the earth. The land is already ours. We have the papers, we have everything done. The company is already in the name of Zorro. Here are also the money transfers that we sent him. My son was saying to me today: ‘How can it come to this? How can it come to this, Dad?’ We always said that family comes first…’“, the television presenter tells his followers.

[La salvaje historia de (des)amor de Frank Cuesta y Yuyee: cocaína, cárcel, 5 hijos y el santuario de los disgustos]

It’s very sad“, he continues, “because has sold his children for 6,200,000 bahtHe has sold out his family. He doesn’t realize it now, but he will realize it before long. There is one thing I always tell my children: love each other, get angry, fight, but respect each other and always be there for each other. Family is the only thing you have. When you leave this world, you can’t take anything with you. You have to leave it for your children,” he concludes. Cuesta in front of his spectatorsthe same ones who, through donations, have managed to get the money to buy this natural space where hundreds of animal species coexist.

Donations also achieved, in part, thanks to David Canovas Martinez -better known as TheGrefg-, who echoed the news of the desperate cry of Frank Cuesta for the possible loss of the Libertad Sanctuary and volunteered to help him in any way possible.

At first, they raised the 50,000 euros necessary to finish buying the Sanctuary through Kick’s channel subscriptions. Still, the biggest surprise was yet to come. When the recording was about to be finished, Cánovas Martínez decided to give Cuesta a great giftdoubling the total amount, that is, bringing the amount up to 100,000 euros.

The Liberty Sanctuary

He Liberty Sanctuary It is a 37 hectare property for which Frank Cuesta He paid 860,000 euros more than a decade ago. The magic that surrounds the place and the quality of life of the animals there make it more than just a farm. The presenter has invested a fortune in improvements: from a fence that cost 103,000 euros to an artificial canal and water troughs for all the animals. Cuesta, through his various channels, has asked for donations – in one month he managed to obtain up to 12,000 euros – to be able to maintain it.

Another source of income for Cuesta in Thailand is the money charged for visits to the sanctuaryA person can spend half a day there for 347 euros. If you want to stay overnight, the price rises to 397. “It is a safe place, and where the animals can enjoy the rest of their lives in freedom,” says the herpetologist on the sanctuary’s official website.

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