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He has more than a million followers! Boser, the man from Durango who conquers YouTube – El Sol de Durango

The name he gave to his imaginary friend when he was a child… but also his passion, goals and dreams as an adult, led Durango native Isaac Bretado Sánchez to conquer the world Youtubeand with it other social networks. Boser Salseo Soccer Player It is his main channel, where he has been generating content for almost a decade; Today, having come a long way, he has more than a million followers. It sounds easy, but there is a whole story behind it.

Isaac has a previous career in the media, And precisely while I was working at one of them, the managers raised the idea of ​​creating YouTube channels. His initial interest was focused on football, a topic that he was passionate about; She quickly realized she needed something more personal and authentic.

“A small stroke of luck gave me that path, and that’s where I went”thus he made the leap towards the creation of independent content, where his voice gained protagonismand his work began to gain recognition, which translated into a constant increase in followers who showed affection for his content.

The path to success on YouTube is not easy; Isaac describes his work as drudgery and, at times, slavish work. And it reveals that success on social networks depends on figures, numbers and keeping the audience hooked.

“The work itself is somewhat heavy, It is not as easy as it sounds, a little overwhelming, and one could even say enslaving.because you depend a lot on the numbers, what has you trapped there, has you tied, you depend a lot on the graphs and how you move (…) But if you find the pleasure and do it with love, it makes it a little lighter,” he explains.

He has found ways to make work more bearable by focusing on his passion and love for what he does, but also by having his family as a driving force and strong supporter.

“If you do things well, you grow for yourself, and not only with yourself, but also those around you, your family and everyone involved. If it goes well for me, it goes well for everyone who is involved with me.”

He acknowledges that he often works harder than in a conventional job, but values ​​the freedom and satisfaction that comes with being his own boss.

Why the name Boser?

“…it’s curious, Boser as such was born because when I was a child I had an imaginary friend, and that’s what I called him, I don’t remember why, but that’s what it was called. And when I started the channel, obviously I didn’t want it to have my name, so the first thing I thought of was that name, a pseudonym.”

He said that for two years his channel remained that way, with that name and without revealing his identity or his voice, which at first was an Artificial Intelligence voice. “Later I started recording, but with a filter, then I started to go into the frame, with my voice without a filter, but people became fond of that first voice, and to this day it is still used in certain videos.”

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The life of a youtuber

Isaac does come to miss something about an office job, which involved a day, and at the end of it, he had his free time. And as a youtuber, “you’re on the lookout all the time, it also depends on everything you want to cover, because It’s a world, we don’t just create content for YouTube, we try to cover all platformsthese are things that have you trapped.”

On the other hand, along the way you have to make a very thick armor. And its success has also brought with it the phenomenon of “hate”, a reality that all content creators must face.

“As you go up, You get to have people who love you very much, who appreciate you, and who are already waiting for your videos, but as you grow, there is another sector that also grows, which is ‘hate’, that even if you don’t do anything, it will be there. Even if you are neutral, there will always be those who don’t like what you do, or who just come in to criticize, or who hate you for simply existing,” he reflects.

What does it mean to be a YouTuber, and to be from Durango?

Despite his growing popularity, Isaac feels that Being a YouTuber in Durango comes with unique challenges. The lack of proximity to Mexico City, where many content creators are concentrated, can make it difficult to participate in key events and build a network of contacts.

In other words, Being somewhat isolated makes it more complicated, so the effort is greater, and the recognition when it has already been achieved tastes even better. In this sense, Isaac Bretado feels satisfied to live in a quiet city, surrounded by his family.


Among his many experiences during these years, he told El Sol de Durango that The Montiel brothers, that is, those called on the networks as Escorpión Dorado and Werevertumorro, have expressed to him that they like his content.

“The Scorpion sent me a message and told me that he was going to make a commemorative video for his 15 years creating videos, and he told me ‘I would like it to be with your voice’, I thinking that the voice of the filter, which is the most famous , and he tells me no, my voice is normal.” (His voice was captured in the following video)

With his story, he not only inspires other Duranguenses, but also young people from all over Mexico who dream of making their passions a reality.

“A Isaac from the past I tell you not to be afraid, because there was a lot of fear at the beginning of letting go of what you think is safe, an office job. Let go of all that to push yourself because it’s going to take a long time, and you’re going to make it (…) A Isaac of the next 10 years I wish you to have more goals achieved, with personal stability, that you have already found the balance between working too much and living life.”

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