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He has heart problems but is awaiting the result of the swab: Domenico’s odyssey

He shows up at the Pugliese-Ciaccio emergency room in Catanzaro with a high fever and chest pains, but no one will cure him until the results of the swab arrive. This is what Domenico, 28, of Simeri Crichi is experiencing in these hours, whose odyssey began yesterday evening.
Assuming that already last December the young man had been hospitalized for a myocarditis that had forced him for five days in intensive care and the remaining ten in the ward and that, the main symptoms were high fever and chest pains, when a few days ago he they reappeared Domenico began to get alarmed. However, fearing that he had contracted Covid-19, he isolated himself from the rest of the family and began to be treated as best he could. Nothing to do: the fever does not go down and the pain in the chest becomes more and more intense. He decides to go to the hospital. When he arrives he has a fever and rightly they send him to the pretriage tent to have him swab, on admission they tell Domenico that the result will arrive “in seven / eight hours” adding that it is “late, it is useless to wait, come home and come back in the morning ». In pain and with fever Domenico accepts the advice. This morning, with the doubt of being positive for the virus, he waits at home for some news and from that moment he begins to call the city hospital to have the result of his swab; in the continuous phone calls he finally manages to talk to someone from the pretriage tent even though “I don’t know who answered the phone, whether a doctor or an assistant” says the man. The person explains to him that “the laboratory is still processing the swabs on Saturday and has yet to wait for his.” At that point Domenico asks if the procedure for processing the swabs arriving from the emergency room is the same for everyone or if those with urgent pathologies can take precedence, but this question is not answered.
Domenico, fearing positivity, goes to two private laboratories and swabs. After a few hours the results are both negative.
Following the negative result of the second swab, this afternoon, Domenico returns to the emergency room with the reports of the private laboratories in his pocket and asks: “I don’t have Coronavirus, can you cure me?”. No. In fact, they don’t even let him in the door because he has a fever and only the molecular swab taken in the hospital is of value. Outside the emergency room he calls the police and the Carabinieri but neither of them say they can intervene.
The young man is now beginning to be afraid. He is sick, has a fever and is worried. He has already had heart problems, so he makes a round of phone calls to cardiologists from all over the province asking to be examined “for a fee”. Nothing, apparently no one visits the studio anymore.
Discouraged Domenico goes home, without having any answers, no certainties and waits to understand what will happen. The only thing he can think of to do at this point is to contact our editorial team.

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