Home » today » World » he has already cut off his nose, ears and fingers (photo, video) – UNIAN

he has already cut off his nose, ears and fingers (photo, video) – UNIAN

A guy about ten years old modifies his body in every possible way.

Anthony Loffredo before and after operations / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

33-year-old Anthony Loffredo from France, who dreams of becoming a “black alien”, the other day amputated imagine two fingers on his left hand to turn it into a claw.

As the edition writes Mirror, the guy has been striving for his goal for about ten years, modifying his body in every possible way. However, he believes that at present he has achieved only 34% of the desired transformation.

Behind Loffredo’s shoulders are several extreme surgical operations. In particular, he removed the upper lip, tip of the nose and ears, as well as cut his tongue and implanted implants under the skin of his face, which give his skin a more hilly texture and create protrusions on his cheekbones.

In addition, literally his entire body and even his eyes are covered with tattoos.

photo-bank-link="">Anthony Loffredo amputated fingers on his hand / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

Anthony Loffredo amputated fingers on his hand / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

photo-bank-link="">Anthony Loffredo amputated fingers on his hand / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

Anthony Loffredo amputated fingers on his hand / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

To remove the nose, the Frenchman traveled to Spain, since such an operation is considered illegal in his country.

photo-bank-link="">Anthony Loffredo / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

Anthony Loffredo / photo instagram.com/the_black_alien_project

Read also“Not enough Botox for the brain”: a Ukrainian woman with huge cheekbones horrified the network after a new procedure (photo)Previously reported as 60-year-old freak model Tiamat Legian Medusa from Texas spent about 84 thousand dollars on operations to become like a dragon man.

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