Home » today » Health » He had blood on his head: Couple arrested for bad behavior on flight in Miami | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

He had blood on his head: Couple arrested for bad behavior on flight in Miami | Video | Univision 23 Miami WLTV

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evacuated.Jany Gonzalez is our one.Both passengers face twocharges, one for trespassingproperty and the other byresisting arrest.They had to anywayeveryone will come down.mira, él esá operado, esánewly operatedJany: between screams andresistance, there yuleidisThey were arrested for misdemeanorbehavior within aAmerican Airlines flight.[llanto]I can’t raise my arms.jany: the incident wasbroadcast live on tik tokthrough the profile ofyurleidis, she and her boyfriendThey reside in Las Vegas and traveledto Miami to have severalaesthetic procedures,ernesto had ahair transplant and dyeingshe, the blood was dry,but the airline told him thatThey couldn’t fly because of problemssanitary.[habla en ingés][habla en ingés]We’re not getting off here withouta police report.Jany: They were minutes of a lotAttention during boardingof flight 1858, the passengersThey were desperate whilethe crew asked them thatthey will get off the avon.I don’t care about people,they are not family.to the police, the police tookto the avon and asked several timesthat the airline does not want thatThey are in that plane and thesepeople refused.jany: through an emailelectronic the airline saidthat the two clients arebehaved in a mannerdisruptive and did not comply withcrew, the forces of theorder they responded and took outboth Avon customers.jany: the airline said that theflight was able to leave this morning.The authorities insist on theimportance of complying with thelaws.eileen: a story just herein the 23rd.

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