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He gets his turntables confiscated after organizing a rave in the school bathroom

by Ulyces | December 21, 2020

At 12, Cael Bell instantly became a legend. This resident of a Catholic school in Manchester had his turntables and the rest of his DJ equipment confiscated by his teachers, after having organized a clandestine rave in the toilets of the establishment, reported NME December 20.

The week before, Cael had been promoting on Snapchat his evening in the toilets of St Antony’s Catholic College. While he mixed like hell, the participants danced, slapping Cadbury chocolates and soft drinks, all under nightclub lighting for the best effect.

But after 30 minutes of the set, a teacher showed up in the bathroom and cut the evening short. His mother, Louise Bell, received a furious phone call from school, but she couldn’t help but find her son a very funny guy. ” Cael had a great time, and so did his classmates », She says. ” I reassured him by telling him that he would not be punished for what he had done, and I asked him lots of questions. »


When he got home from school, Louise Bell nevertheless took this photo:

Sacred Cael, he was clearly afraid of getting yelled at!

Source : NME

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