Home » today » Sport » he commands the fund and the money is his. Because it is worth letting Calha go and focusing on the renewals of Gigio, Ibra and Kessiè

he commands the fund and the money is his. Because it is worth letting Calha go and focusing on the renewals of Gigio, Ibra and Kessiè

It was a hot week for Milan. In spite of the stop for the national teams, a dance on the account of the shareholder Elliott has begun, concluded – for now – with the note from his spokesman on Tuesday evening that he claims to have control with 96% of the shares. I wonder: can a colossus like Elliott with assets of 41 billion dollars to manage, involved on the Italian front also in Telecom, can afford the luxury of peremptorily affirming an unfaithful corporate figure? In my opinion no. Let’s go ahead with an essential premise: there have been journalistic inquiries of great value (Gerevini sul Corsera, the calcioefinanza site) and these must be respected because behind there is investigative work and knowledge of complex financial matters. Then there was Report that promised a revealing episode and ended up proposing clips of dated reports closed with the request for interviews. In this the person in charge of the broadcast has reversed the burden of proof: it is not he who has to prove that he has the bone in his mouth, but it is Elliott and the president of Milan Scaroni who “must” provide explanations by granting the requested interviews. In the US, home of investigative journalism, the exact opposite happens. First I dig, I find, then I submit the documents and ask you to explain.

Final report. We started with disturbing questions (who is in charge of Milan?, Who gets the money?) To arrive at the following conclusions, recognized by the same journalists mentioned above: Elliott commands Milan at home with a board whose majority is his expression, his are the money paid out so far to subsidize the club (and there are many, over 650 million). The man in the street and the Rossoneri fan had come to the same conclusions by asking some naive questions. La pima: how is it possible that Elliott finances a company without having control over it? The second: Gazidis, Maldini, who are the managers of AC Milan, when they have to conclude transactions involving substantial investments (such as Tonali to be clear) do they speak with the two minority brokers or rather with London, the Singer family and the like? The rest is a network of agreements that are intertwined and in which it is easy to get lost.

Renewals. The second topic of the day is represented by the renewal of contracts. Maldini had hinted that in these days off the championship there could be news. The club certainly has a strategy that we feel like sharing. And that is: absolute priority to the renewals of Donnarumma and Ibra, one because he is the goalkeeper for the next 10 years, the other because he has proven to be very useful to the cause despite his age. If there is an economic sacrifice to be made in time for Covid, it must be done for Gigio. Certainly not for Calhanoglu who has a very pretentious agent who has got the communication wrong in recent weeks. You can get from almost 3 million to 4 million which is a nice take, certainly not accept the request of 6-7 million which for the budget are 12-13 and for 3 years become about 40 million. With 40 million of these skinny cow times you can buy good players. Also because the other priority will be Kessie. And while another in the role of the Turk, of equal value, and perhaps even stronger and more continuous, can be found, a second Kessie has not yet been seen.

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