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“He belongs to the English union”

The series for the Retirement Bonus from Sifup, continues adding chapters and new protagonists. This time, who joined the plot, was Manchester City goalkeeper Claudio Bravo.

The two-time goalkeeper of America, requested through a letter, that the union clarify the terms of this benefit, the detailed list of all beneficiary players and the current list of Sifup members, among other things.

Faced with this, the president of the Sifup, Gamadiel García, who responded to Bravo, appeared on the scene.

“When we met with the national team he was not present. It is a benchmark, it is very important for our team, our football, but it is not part of our union. He belongs to the English union, that answer was given. There are issues that must be clarified, there are some that are quite confused, “he launched in radio DNA.

“There is a lot of misinformation, today many say they are part of the union and I have to tell them no. The previous directive was leaving out the former footballers. We had nothing to do with who was or was not a member of the union. Those who are partners are those who have a contract registered with the ANFP », added« Gamagol ».

Sifup does not want conflict

Before the player who was armed by the famous bonus, Gamadiel García, he explained in what instance is the process.

“We met with all the entities with which we had to meet, we have met five times and there is a topic that is very different. There is a group ‘Players forever’ that has a structured project, they told us what their social projects are. The other group treats us of thieves, asks us for transparency, lies because it says that we do not want to receive them and interposes an appeal for protection, with which job? “

“I have never sought to fight with former footballers, this union has always helped those who request it, today this has been totally distorted. We as a union are not looking for a fight with anyone », closed the Sifup president.

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