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He attacked the lawyer: on trial – The Province

CREMONA – Delicate professionthat of the support administrator, when the money to be delivered to your client, sums agreed with the guardianship judge. A lawyer knows this in mid-March of this year, the victim of a brutal attack aggression from one of his clients: a 37 year old who wanted it more money. And that like a fury, he had entered the law firm, smashing the PC monitor and everything that came to hand. Above all, the violent man had given the lawyer a powerful slap, damaging his eardrum. Days earlier, she had sent him on WhatsApp death messages.

The attacker was sent to trial – immediate judgment for injuries, damage, trespass and, news, violence or threat to a public officialtherefore recognizing the role of the support administrator as a public official. THE’hearing is scheduled for December 6th. The attacked lawyer will join his colleague as a civil party Giampaolo Bellini. That day, in one emergency meeting immediately convened, the council of the Bar Association with the president, Alessio Romanellihe expressed «maximum and unconditional solidarity to my colleague, victim of violence in the performance of his duties”. In «the name of the entire Forum», the Order, «stigmatizing with total firmness the reprehensible conduct of the aggressor, having recalled and underlined the social function of the Lawyer”, invited “all the components of the jurisdiction, citizens and public opinion to a profound reflection on the extreme severity of the episode which in addition to affecting the individual in the fulfillment of his duty, also offends the whole civil communitynot only the forensic one, and the inviolable principle of respect for the human personon which the company is founded.”

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