Home » today » Entertainment » “He and I have never been friends …”, Dj Kérozen categorically, the singer causes an uproar after his remarks on …

“He and I have never been friends …”, Dj Kérozen categorically, the singer causes an uproar after his remarks on …

The Ivorian singer Dj Kerozen, comes from afar. And in his accession to the throne, he knew friends, companions in the galley with whom he is still linked today. Even if some have lost company in the meantime.

Indeed, during a broadcast on NCI, the singer returned to his career and to those with whom he went through the bad patch.

Also, he did not fail to tell certain truths about certain claim have always been with him now that his head is above water.

To the question, when you were in trouble, you had your friend Zéphi Conor, he says you don’t answer his calls anymore, would you have turned your jacket over?

« … He and I have never had a hard time together. In the days of Boulevard Dj, we weren’t having a hard time, we were on the rise … I was in a bush just in front of my house in Youpougan Ciporex, which is called the ” Titled ”. Once, there were results of the Bac, the maquis in the princess street where Zéphi officiated, there was no DJ, he was 13h-14. So my friend, whose aunt owned the said place, knowing that I was Dj Apprentice, call me, “Brother, can you come to Princess Street right now”. Because there were no clients and no Dj, me, I take a taxi and I go there, I did what I had to do … The same evening, she says from today, you work there. This is ramzi Werrasson that pushed me … », did he declare.

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