Home » today » Health » HC paid about 22 thousand pesos for each bottle of allegedly falsified medicine: Ciudadanos Observing

HC paid about 22 thousand pesos for each bottle of allegedly falsified medicine: Ciudadanos Observing

Angelica Campillo

According to the investigation carried out by the civil organization Citizens Observing, the Central Hospital “Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto ”paid approximately four million pesos for the medicine Herceptin (Trastuzumab) of 440 mg. vial, indicated as allegedly falsified by the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris).

The spokesperson for Ciudadanos Observando, Guadalupe González Covarrubias, said that it can be compared, according to the lots that Cofepris indicates were allegedly falsified to the Roche laboratory, that the cost of each of the products against breast cancer is at least 22 thousand pesos on average, which appears billed at the Central Hospital in at least 25 documents.

Which speaks of the magnitude of what could have happened with public resources, in case it is proven that they were counterfeit drugs.

In this context, he mentioned that there would be talk of two terrible things: on the one hand, a serious damage to the treasury, having bought apocryphal drugs at a high cost; and on the other, go to depth to see which patients were given this drug, “because it is a really scandalous and human rights situation.”

The activist pointed out that this is only a sample, since if you investigate in depth and use many more invoices than were accessed, much larger amounts related to allegedly counterfeit medicine can result.

“It is serious, there are the invoices and lots that coincide with what was reported by Cofepris,” he said.

Citizens Observing detailed that the batches of drugs that were identified as allegedly falsified by Laboratorios Roché and Cofepris are:

  • N7101B03 B3018
  • N7086B02 B3016
  • N3818B02 B3048
  • N3834B01 B3053
  • N3839B01 B3055.

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