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Hazel Brugger and the “House of Horrors”

At Hazel Brugger There is a lot of tension in the house. The supposedly funniest woman in Switzerland is using her fame to portray herself as a victim on social media and to put her architect under pressure.

The “Nebelspalter” classifies the story as about as (un)interesting as if a sack of rice were to fall over in China. And yet it takes it up with relish – as do many media in the German-speaking world, from RTL to Swiss television. It is about the Swiss comedian Hazel Brugger, who together with her husband Thomas Spitzer has become the victim of a legal dispute. Serious construction defects have been discovered in their home in Hesse. The couple and their two children are apparently severely traumatized by this.

This is certainly the conclusion you come to if you follow Brugger’s activities on Instagram. The couple’s self-staging began when Brugger published a photo with a security service car – with the following words: “Because we were threatened by construction workers on our construction site, we recently needed personal protection.” Since the Instagram posts about the house dispute were first picked up by the media around a week and a half ago, Brugger and Spitzer have published more photos and posts about the “house of horrors” on their Instagram accounts almost every day.

For the Tamedia newspapers, the comedian’s behavior fits perfectly with her development: “Hazel Brugger – wasn’t she the cool comedian who caused a sensation as a 20-year-old? Exactly. Brugger has been in the spotlight for just over ten years.”

However, with the construction dispute that has been exploited to great effect, she is not doing anything completely new or different. On the contrary: the house dispute fits perfectly into the diversified portfolio of the – alongside Roger Federer and Beatrice He – the most famous Swiss woman abroad. Brugger has long staged her life as a “docu-soap”.

But how far can you go as a celebrity when it comes to dealing with your own frustration on social media? Frédéric Krauskopfexpert in personal rights, says in the “Basler Zeitung”: “Depending on the content of the post, there could be an insult to one’s honour or personality. Many people who use social media are not aware that the larger the audience they reach, the higher the liability risk they expose themselves to when they write such posts.”

In other words: the more people are addressed, the more drastic the effect on the party being criticized. Sometimes, high amounts of compensation have to be paid, says the expert. In Hazel Brugger’s case, the story could therefore be expensive – but for her. The comedian has 800,000 followers on Instagram.

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