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Hayange. Face hurt mother calls for help on the street

The violence is described in children’s words. Harsh words. “It was carnage in the bedroom,” says the 5-year-old boy. “Dad pushed mom to the ground, he slapped her, there was blood on her face,” he explains.

On April 15, around 11 p.m., in Hayange, the injured mother was picked up by residents in front of a pizzeria. Her face is bloody. She screams. She is afraid for her son who has remained in the apartment with her spouse. The police are notified and arrest the father at the home. He is alcoholic, placed in police custody.

The mother explains to the police that they went to the bistro in the afternoon. They returned at the end of the day, the situation degenerated when the child was put to bed. The man got angry, he hit her, insulted her. He also broke the wardrobe door in their son’s bedroom. The child confirms. He even evokes other episodes of violence. When his dad broke his mom’s tooth, when he pulled out an earring.

Withdrawal of parental authority

The father spent the Easter weekend in pre-trial detention. He was presented before the Thionville Criminal Court on Tuesday, in immediate appearance. Small, shaved head, orange sweater, he recognizes that he has derailed. He did strike a few slaps at his wife. But maybe not the seven counted by his son. “I blame myself,” he blurts out. His memories of the evening and those of previous violence are diffuse. He confirms that he has a serious addiction to alcohol. “I’m really going to get treatment,” he promises. This time he really understood.

The defendant has already been convicted four times for alcoholic conduct. He is known for other acts of violence as well. He is currently serving a sentence handed down in 2018, fitted out by wearing an electronic bracelet.

“We can say that Mr. needs more care than a blow from a club,” insists his lawyer, Me Monosson. He recalls that his client works in Luxembourg, in construction, and that he presents several elements in favor of a new sentence arrangement.

But the court follows the requisitions of the prosecutor and condemns Régis Revault for the violence committed on his wife and son. The man is sentenced to eighteen months in prison, of which twelve months are firm. The suspended part is suspended from a duty of care and a ban on contact with his partner for two years. Rarer, the judges pronounce the withdrawal of his parental authority over the little boy.

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