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Havlíček signed a contract for the completion of Dukovany

Beneš said that the company would like the order of applicants for the construction of a new unit at the end of 2022, he wants to announce a tender in December this year. At the same time, he confirmed that the expected amount for the construction of the unit at current prices is, according to him, about six billion euros – about 160 billion crowns.

Havlíček confirmed that the construction of a new power plant unit should begin in 2029.

“It is crucial for the state that the investor undertakes to negotiate a contract with the supplier by 2024 and to intensively continue the preparation of new nuclear sources. So that the new Dukovan unit could be put into operation in 2036. This means ensuring stability and energy security, as well as the supply of cheap and emission-free electricity, ”said the Minister.

“It is in CEZ’s interest to have as many bidders as possible who will compete against each other, and thus force each other to improve bids, because we need to get the best bid in the end. For this reason, it is not in ČEZ’s interest to exclude anyone, “said CEO Beneš.

“On the other hand, the agreement between the state and CEZ, which we signed, describes the basic security interests of the state and ways to enforce them, and it says that the state can say during or at the end of the competition that it wants one of the bidders. for security reasons, ”added Beneš.

According to him, Havlíček and Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (YES) have a similar view on the matter as he is and are in favor of keeping as many candidates in the competition as possible for as long as possible.

Government Commissioner for Nuclear Energy Jaroslav Míl stated that the Czechia does not provide Dukovany, but replaces half of its current capacity. According to previous information, the current units of the power plant should be shut down around 2035 to 2037.

The state should finance the new nuclear unit in Dukovany interest-free during construction, with a 2% interest rate expected during operation. The state should participate in the construction from 70 percent. The rest should be paid by ČEZ, which will also cover all possible additional costs.

The possible construction of a new nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic has been hampered in the previous few years by ambiguities about the method of financing; the project has only begun to take concrete shape in recent months. Environmentalists have been protesting against the construction of a new nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic for a long time.

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