the segment of time thatpresented …journalist: our state sawstrong winds associatedassociated with a frontal system.warning for strong wind,effective until 8:00 amThursday.the winds raising a lotdust.warning for dust on theair.also valid until thisnight.primarily in the countythe maricopa.wings of 8,000 people areunder that warning they mustbe cautious.that dust causes theair quality deterioratesduring the last hours inmaricopa.a warning for poor quality ofair until 9:00 on Thursday.a lot of caution.this is due to the highparticle levels.deteriorated air qualityalso tonight.conditions improve.snow until 8:00, 9:00.but tomorrow again, anotherstorm moving.Friday afternoon combinationrainy and Friday.phoenix with the rush onform of rain on Friday.and at the weekend they begin toimprove conditions withsunny skies and look at Sunday at 84degrees.