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Have you tried vitamin D3 with coconut oil for immunity?

As children, our parents told us that a child who takes vitamin D in the “r” months will be healthy and will not “catch” a cold. In other words, when it’s not sunny outside, supplementing with vitamin D saves our immune system and strengthens it. As we’re in the middle of virus season, it’s time to supplement with vitamin D.

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Do you want a quality supplement? Choose Zenyth’s Super Vitamin D3!

Super Vitamin D3
is the only vitamin D3 with Zenyth coconut oil, the ideal ally to increase the body’s resistance to infections, including colds and flu. Why Super Vitamin D3 with Coconut Oil? First and foremost, coconut oil is a healthy fat, rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which are much more effective than regular fats. Therefore, their absorption into the blood is much faster, and along with the fatty acids in coconut oil, vitamin D3 is also absorbed. Secondly, coconut oil has the property of having greater resistance to oxidation, thanks to these medium-chain fatty acids, also called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).

Immunity to the power of D3: the role of vitamin D in protecting immunity

Are you afraid of catching a cold? In case you don’t know, vitamin D has the role of activating the cells that are responsible for the body’s defense against them. Specifically, the receptors present in the cells of the immune system absorb vitamin D, which, in optimal quantities, is responsible for the identification, destruction and elimination of infectious agents from the body.

If we were to make a list of the benefits of vitamin D on the immune system, we would definitely rank the reduction of the risk of respiratory infections, along with protection against flu and colds, in the first place. Numerous studies have examined the role of vitamin D, showing that it can be used successfully in the prevention and treatment of flu, colds and other infections.

Why choose Zenyth’s Super Vitamin D3?


1. It has a higher bioavailability due to coconut oil.

2. Each capsule has a concentration of 2000 IU, the dose that the immune system needs to function normally over the long term.

3. The capsules are gelatinous, ie soft and easy to swallow.

4. Contains cholecalciferol and therefore gives you the benefits you get when you go out in the sun and assimilate vitamin D.

5. Unlike other oils, MCT in coconut oil has the property of providing high resistance to oxidation.

6. Contains no lactose, gluten, soy, magnesium stearate, artificial sweeteners or chemical additives.

Why is vitamin D deficiency so widespread?

Lately we hear more and more about how important vitamin D is, but also about the fact that its level in the body is generally low. That’s why we wonder what we’re doing wrong or why we don’t have enough vitamin D. So, we’ve compiled a list to help us understand why this is happening.

1. The geographical area in which we live

Considering that Romania has a temperate continental climate, this prevents the assimilation of vitamin D outside the “r” months, an all the more serious problem for the inhabitants of the northern areas.

2. Season and time of day

Why are the season and time of day important? It is clear that during the summer the skin accumulates more vitamin D because the sun’s rays are closer to the Earth. The same principle applies when it comes to sun exposure, with the best time of day between 10:00 and 15:00.

3. The sunscreens we use, the pollution we are “victims” of and more

Lotions with a high sun protection factor (SPF) are in fact recommended by dermatologists to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays that become more and more harmful every year. At the same time, we must be aware of the need for vitamin D. That is why it is recommended to use lotions with an SPF of less than 8, anything beyond that reduces the skin’s ability to synthesize vitamin D by 95%. Furthermore, the efficiency of UVB solar energy can also decrease by 50% due to pollution or clouds blocking the sun’s rays.

4. Age

Since vitamin D is produced in the skin from cholesterol and with age the amount of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin begins to decrease, only 25% of the amount of vitamin D that a young person makes ends up being present in the body of the elderly.

5. Diet

Diet, in fact, is not the main reason for the increase or decrease in the amount of vitamin D in our body, but there are some aspects that need to be highlighted. For example, fish, which we know to be a food rich in vitamin D, does not undergo any changes if cooked in the oven, but by frying it the quantity of vitamin D decreases by 50%. Furthermore, the difference between wild salmon and farmed salmon is that this the latter has only 25% of the amount of vitamin D of the former.

Take advantage of the Super Vitamin D3 promotion offered by Zenyth!

Strong immunity, stop cold and flu? With Zenyth’s Super Vitamin D3, your immunity is protected during the cold season. Take advantage of now Super Vitamin D3 promotional package and you will benefit from 150 capsules for the price of 120!

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Buy now and receive a 25% discount coupon on vitamin D tests in Synevo centers!

With any order placed on the Zenyth website, you automatically receive a voucher on the basis of which you can benefit from a 25% discount by carrying out the 25-OH-Vitamin D analysis, in the Synevo collection centers, between 01.10.2022 and 31.01. 2023. The action is part of the campaign “D3 Power Immunity”.

Immunity to power D3 “ is an information and awareness campaign on the importance of vitamin D for health, carried out by Zenyth in collaboration with Synevo, the largest provider of medical laboratory analyzes in Romania. Learn more about this campaign you can find out here.

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