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Have you received this chain? Don’t share it, it’s a hoax

In the last few hours a whatsapp chain that, supposedly, 10 contacts have to be forwarded so that the company does not make the content of the messages public. In reality it is a hoax that has arisen as a result of the entry into force of the new rules of use of WhatsApp. Keep in mind is that all the messages we send through this application are end-to-end encrypted, so that only we and the people who receive them can read them.

The WhatsApp chain so that the company does not read the messages

Remember, tomorrow begins the new Whatsap rule that allows you to use your photos !! Remember that the deadline is today !!! It can be used in lawsuits against you.
Everything you’ve posted can be published starting today, even deleted messages. It costs nothing more than a simple copy / paste, better to be safe than to be violated.
I do not give permission to Whatsap or any organization associated with Whatsap, such as faceboook, and Instagram to use my images, information, messages, photos, deleted messages, files, etc.
This is real.
The compartment !!!!!!!
I do not authorize

Share it in 10 groups and a signal like this will appear on your Whatsap: ✅ that means that your phone is protected against the new rule

This is what the message of the WhatsApp chain says that does not stop circulating in the app. Be supposed to, forwarding to 10 groups we will be able to protect ourselves against the new terms of use. This, of course, is a lie.

But what he says is not true either. According to this text, once the new regulations come into force WhatsApp will be able to publish all our messages, even eliminated, and use them in lawsuits against us. False!

Encrypted messages in WhatsApp and the new terms of use

It was in 2016 when the instant messaging application introduced end-to-end encryption. What does this mean? What you are not authorized to read the messages nor to access them. The exact same thing happens with multimedia files, such as audios or photos.

However, in recent weeks there has been a great stir after WhatsApp announced its intention to introduce new conditions of use that would allow it share user data with Facebook.

Recently, the company has explained through a statement that there has been a lot of misinformation, which has generated concern among users, and that its objective is none other than to try to help everyone understand the new terms. For this reason, they will not enter into force on February 8 as planned, but on May 15. In this way, users will have enough to review the new privacy policy.

The first thing we want to clarify is that these are something that only and exclusively affects users outside the European Union. If you do not accept the new privacy policy on May 15, you will not be able to continue using the application.

However,what kind of data will WhatsApp share with Facebook? They are not the written messages or the photos as the WhatsApp chain says, but data related to the users’ accounts and the use that they make of the service: telephone number, type of device used or the IP address, for example .

User exodus to Telegram and Signal

Since WhatsApp announced its new privacy policy, thousands of users around the world have decided to delete their account in this app and go to others such as Telegram o Signal.

One of the aspects that most concern users is the type of data that applications collect about them. Well, in the case of Telegram it only collects essential data, while Signal only asks for the phone number.

Both WhatsApp and Signal have end-to-end encryption active, so that only the sender and receiver of the message can see it. In the case of TelegramThis is not the case, and to do so you have to activate the “secret chat”, although in a normal conversation it is not available.

Therefore, the safest application with user privacy is without a doubt Signal. However, its functions are much more limited than it offers WhatsApp.

At the moment WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging app in the world, with more than 2 billion active users globally. Now we only have to see how the application evolves with the introduction of the new terms.

2 thoughts on “Have you received this chain? Don’t share it, it’s a hoax”

  1. Thanks for your information, too many scams out there, its hard to believe whats true and whats not.


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