Home » today » Business » Have you chosen a lump sum and from July the PIT tax will be better? Will the amendment to the Polish Order make it possible to change the form of taxation? [9.04.2022]

Have you chosen a lump sum and from July the PIT tax will be better? Will the amendment to the Polish Order make it possible to change the form of taxation? [9.04.2022]

The government unexpectedly decided to announce far-reaching changes in taxes: lowering the PIT rate to 12% for the first threshold of the tax scale and eliminating the tax relief for the middle class. The rules governing the settlement of health insurance by taxpayers on the ruler, lump sum and tax card will also change. However, this will happen during the tax year, i.e. after the date when entrepreneurs could choose the form of taxation for 2022. Will they have a chance to once again change the way of settling accounts with the tax authorities to the most advantageous for them?

– On March 25, I participated in a consultation meeting with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Finance, Artur Soboń. Government representatives invited representatives of various circles to participate in talks: entrepreneurs, accountants and tax advisers – says Piotr Juszczyk, Chief Tax Adviser at inFakt.

– We had the opportunity to present our doubts regarding the new provisions of the act. The Ministry, in turn, proposed the development of a working document in which all threads and suggestions to be discussed after the end of consultations will be collected.

– One of the topics at the Friday meeting was the possibility of changing the form of taxation for entrepreneurs in connection with changes in the tax scale. According to the announcement, the PIT rate on the first tax threshold will be reduced to 12%. The health premium will remain unchanged and will still amount to 9%, but it will be compensated by a lower tax – he adds.

The expert says that his calculations show that in the case of the tax scale and the liner only with the income at the level of PLN 171,000. we will save more by choosing the latter form. In the previous year, the threshold giving the benefit of switching to the liner was 100,000. zloty. The proposed changes also make the tax scale more favorable than in 2021 for those who earn an annual income of up to PLN 171,200.

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