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Have you already registered to take Online High School with SEP? These are the documents that will be requested

Mexico.- If within your plans for this year you continue with the intention of finish your high school studiesIt is important that you remember that the Ministry of Public Education launched the call for your registration since last January 18, the same as will close on February 5, 2021.

You must read: Do you need to finish high school and be online? SEP registration is now open, know the requirements

The call for Prepa en Línea-SEP is aimed at both young people who have just graduated from high school and any mexican, regardless of their place of residence, who wish to carry out their high school studies and count on high school certificate.

What do you need to register for SEP Online Prepa?

• Credential type photography, digital color

• Email account (primary and alternate)

• The following documents scanned in PDF format:

• High school certificate or letter of commitment

• Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)

• Birth certificate

• Proof of address (receipt of services no more than 3 months old)

The documentation must meet the following characteristics:

• All margins and folios must be visible.

• Have a weight less than 1 MB.

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Prepa en Línea-SEP is a virtual platform where you can study your baccalaureate at a distance in a way and with Official validity; if you want to know the complete call and make your registration ENTER HERE AND APPLY.

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