Home » today » Business » Have they promised you a loan via payroll in the name of Infonavit? Careful! It may be a scam

Have they promised you a loan via payroll in the name of Infonavit? Careful! It may be a scam

Scams are the order of the day and on this occasion, the Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (Infonavit) warned about a modality where the organization’s beneficiaries are promised to deposit up to 100,000 pesos in their payroll account in exchange for agreeing to process a credit Mejoravit Repair or Mejoravit.

According to him Infonavitthis is a fraud, since the agency does not grant loans via payroll and the money is not deposited into a bank account for home improvements or repairs, since the resources from these financing are dispersed via two cards.

“In it Infonavit We do not give cash loans via payroll as some online fraudsters promise, who invite beneficiaries to take out a credit Mejoravit Repara or Mejoravit Renueva through their payroll, in which they will supposedly deposit up to 100,000 pesos,” the institute detailed in a statement.

According to the institution, to obtain a credit Mejoravit it is necessary to do the following:

  • Check the balance of the Housing Subaccount and prequalify yourself in the My Account portal Infonavit (micuenta.infonavit.org.mx).
  • Gather the requested documents and take them to the Service Center Infonavit (Cesi) closest to the applicant’s address or start the process online.

“The procedures are free of charge and are carried out without intermediaries,” the organization stated.

What to do if you are interested?

He Infonavit He pointed out that for people interested in improving or repairing their home, without affecting the structure of the home, the products offered by the organization are Mejoravit Repara or Mejoravit Renueva.

The characteristics of these products are the following:

Mejoravit Repairs

  • Between 9,901 and 39,606 pesos are granted, without exceeding 90% of the amount in the borrower’s Housing Subaccount
  • The fixed annual interest rate is 10%
  • You can choose to pay the credit between one and five years

Mejoravit Renews

  • Between 39,606 and 156,445 pesos are granted, without exceeding 90% of the amount in the Housing Subaccount.
  • The fixed annual interest rate is 11%
  • You can choose to pay the credit between one and 10 years.

The requirements for both credits son:

  • Be entitled with a current employment relationship.
  • The age plus the term of the credit must not be older than 70 years; If you are a woman, you must not exceed 75 years of age.
  • Be registered in an Afore and have updated biometric records. *Not have any credit in force with eHe filled in.
  • Inhabit the home to which repairs, extensions or improvements will be made.
  • The home to which the credit It may be in the name of the applicant, spouse, cohabitant, children, siblings, parents, in-laws or grandparents.

He Infonavit He explained that, once the credittwo cards are delivered, one with 80% to pay for the purchase of material only in authorized stores and the other, with 20% to withdraw cash to pay for labor.

“If you do not need labor, the money from the second card can also be used to buy at authorized stores,” the agency stated.

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