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Have not taken corona vaccine

91.5 percent of Norway’s population has taken the first dose of the corona vaccine, according to FHI. Over 87 percent have taken dose two.

This means that almost one in ten adults still benefit from taking the first dose of vaccine. A dose that reduces the risk of serious coronary heart disease by more than 90 percent, according to FHI chief physician Preben Aavitsland.

Acting leader of the Generation Party, Barbro Paulsen (46) is one of those who will not take the corona vaccine.

She makes it clear that she is not a “vaccine opponent”, and that this specifically applies to corona vaccines. Paulsen made the choice to refrain from the vaccine early when the pandemic broke out in Norway, and is one of the few who has emerged as critical of the corona vaccines in the media.

Paulsen says that it has been anything but easy, but that her values ​​have not changed along the way, even though it has been a tough period.

– I have lost several friends due to my choice to be critical. Many have been angry and called me the most incredible things, she says to Dagbladet.

– I have experienced this on my body. It has been sitting there for a long time.

– Spreads fear

– I tried to emphasize that there are many reasons to be critical of the virus. But not following the herd in Norway, it was much harder than I had ever imagined.

Paulsen says that they have seen the world for what it really is in the pandemic and believes that the media spreads fear to the people.

– Many people walk around terrified of the virus, for fear that it could take the lives of their parents and grandparents. So when I have chosen not to follow the law of the roost and join the herd, I have lost many friends.

She believes a healthy lifestyle strengthens the body’s own defenses against disease, and bets that this will give her the protection she herself needs against any serious illness as a result of covid-19. She has stated that NRK, who has previously mentioned the case.

MEASURES: Minister of Health Ingvild Kjerkol asks people to stop shaking hands and stay home if they are ill.
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– Not related

She explains that there are several reasons why she does not want to take the vaccine. She feels there is not enough information about the side effects, in addition to the fact that she does not see differences in the risk of infection, regardless of whether one has been vaccinated or not.

Paulsen believes that the state should follow the principle of proportionality.

– The overriding legal principle for us to call ourselves a state governed by the rule of law must be the basis. The strength of the procedure must be related to the means of the procedure.

– It is an emergency-approved pandemic vaccine, which means that this has been researched for a very short time. Other vaccines you test are usually used for up to ten years, says Paulsen, who points out that she is only opposed to the corona vaccines.

– Die just as many of the flu

– But there are many who have died from the virus. Even completely healthy people. Shouldn’t they have been vaccinated?

– It is quite possible that it is true, I do not dispute that. But just as many or more people die from the flu, cancer and hunger and other things throughout the year. One must have one foot planted in the ground and see the whole picture.

Paulsen believes that people need contact and social stimuli to feel good physically and mentally. She believes the pandemic has made it impossible for many to protect their own mental health.

– There are people who have isolated themselves for six months or over a year, because they are afraid of a virus. It’s almost the same as dying, too.

Aavitsland: – Take the first dose

FHI chief physician Preben Aavitsland gives clear advice to anyone who has not been vaccinated.

– The advice is clear: Check the municipality’s website, and find out how you can get the first dose as soon as possible, says Aavitsland to Dagbladet.

Furthermore, the FHI superior says that the unvaccinated reduce their own risk of serious corona disease by more than 90 percent, if they take the first dose.

EXPERT: Chief Physician Preben Aavitsland at the National Institute of Public Health.  Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB

EXPERT: Chief physician Preben Aavitsland at the National Institute of Public Health. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB
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– Who can be affected by those who do not get vaccinated, and how?

– It’s first and foremost themselves. In addition, if they become infected, they may risk infecting families and colleagues.

– Expect to be infected

– People have different reasons for choosing not to be vaccinated, what do you know and what do you think about them?

– “It is not a dangerous disease for me.” Maybe not, but this is an insidious disease that can also cause very serious illness in young adults. You do not know if you are one of those who end up in hospital. Now that there is a lot of infection in the community, you must expect to be infected sooner or later.

Aavitsland also does not agree that the vaccines have not been tested well enough.

– The vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are well tested. In addition, we have something even better, namely experience with use by many hundreds of millions of people. These are very safe vaccines.

At the same time, Aavitsland mentions that many are skeptical of the vaccine because they were developed too quickly to be trusted. He agrees that it went very fast, but that it was because many worked with it day and night.

– The vaccines had to go through the same steps in the trials. It’s like building a house. It may take a year, but if the builder brings in many more people and works around the clock in three shifts, the house will be finished much faster. The house will be just as nice, but you can move in earlier, Aavitsland concludes.

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