Thursday, January 6, 2022 – 12:46 WIB
VIVA – Cholesterol Your body needs it to work properly. However, if the amount is too high and the type is not good cholesterol, it can cause strokes to coronary heart disease.
Therefore, sufferers high cholesterol must maintain their food intake, especially from foods that contain high cholesterol. Some of them are meat red and dairy products.
Then, is it true that people with high cholesterol should avoid consuming red meat and dairy products? Is this a myth or fact?
Fact. Why? Because when you buy red meat, you cut it, you see. Between the red fibers there is a white line. The white line is the fat, the cholesterol. So that red meat must be avoided,” said clinical nutrition specialist, Dr. dr. Samuel Oetoro, MSc, MS, SpGK(K), in a broadcast Healthy life tvOne, Thursday, January 6, 2022.
Doctor Samuel added, the most important thing to do is to go to the laboratory to find out our cholesterol levels. After that, only then can it be known what program is suitable to run.
“Indeed, cholesterol is needed by the body for the formation of hormones. But when it is excessive, hormone formation continues, but the possibility of blockage of blood vessels becomes higher,” he said.