TRIBUNTERNATE.COM – Some people who have been declared cured of Covid-19 revealed that they were still feeling the symptoms.
One of the symptoms felt is a cough, where most of the survivors Covid-19 experience dry cough.
Launch NHSAfter recovering from Covid-19 a person may still have a cough for some time.
In general, coughing is a reflex action to clear dust, phlegm, and other irritants from the lungs and throat.
But if it goes on continuously, coughing can develop into a cycle.
Excessive coughing can cause irritation and inflammation that can worsen the cough.
To date, it is still not clear what the cause is dry cough.
However, you may be able to do the following things to control the cough so it doesn’t get worse.
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How to Control and Reduce Cough
Still quoted from NHSto be able to control cough, you can do deep breathing pattern exercises.