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Have a question about the Covid-19? We answer you

Every day brings new information about the Covid-19. – thedarknut / illustration

We eat coronavirus at every meal, or even snack on it all day, and in all sauces. Taped to 24 hour news channels, your favorite newspaper (online or not), radio, social media … It feels like you know about any news that falls: here , an advance in research to find a
antidote or the entry into force of a
new regulations, there a denial of a viral rumor, etc.

It is not easy, however, to find your way around in this flow of information, or to get hold of the contact person, the support through which you will find a precise answer to your question of the moment: can I go and find a loved one who has just been repatriated from abroad upon arrival at the airport? Do I still need to call 15 if I have symptoms of the coronavirus? Do I have the right to go outside to take the air with my child since he is a minor?

So that you can see more clearly, 20 minutes will answer your questions, which you can send to us by following the procedure below. Thank you in advance (and take care of yourself)!

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