Home » today » Entertainment » Have a casual conversation with “Pat Power Pat”, open your heart, Suea, flirting, dating, so hot that the girls hit each other.

Have a casual conversation with “Pat Power Pat”, open your heart, Suea, flirting, dating, so hot that the girls hit each other.

Called to start a new life beautifully. For young singers era 90 at Pat – Worayot Bunthongnoom or Power Patch After being convicted of drugs for 16 years and 8 months and was given freedom back to embrace family and fans. That is still very welcoming Which is now referred to follow the dream Carrying on what you love like playing music is about to release.musicNew together with friends in the band Power Pat Soon

In addition, the issue of heat is still hot. With a gentle and mature manner, the girl’s heart melted. “Daddy” New ones to be completed

This work sanook.com Don’t miss out. Let’s go to Daddy Pat. Brought to sit and chat to chill To life now Life experience And things that cannot be missed like the heart that can benewsThat before So hot that the girls hit each other and still have a relationship. And what will the story be? Let’s listen to Pat Pak

First of all, let’s update a little bit about how it is now. See a lot of work?

“Work a lot. But it’s also very fun. Have done many things As we rarely do or never do, I have long abandoned donkeys. Now, it’s on a string.music There is an advertising song. Including starting to make a demo Into the recording room with friends Make your own music Plans will be released in the next month for both songs and MV. “

New songTo be released What is the concept?

“What is growing up Should penetrate a wider market Including the new generation But is definitely still a power patch Both music and songwriting are all that will go out after this. Will come out of the whole body Various recording processes, we record ourselves and play by ourselves, all because we want the work that goes out to be ourselves as possible. “

Do you have to knock a lot of rust?

“There must be some Because a long time away I really had to practice with my friends. At first I thought that it would take longer. But when actually trying to play Came back faster than expected The work came out somewhat better than we expected. “

What if talking about excitement? How much To do things that I love again?

“Excited because it was a dream that we wanted to be like this since we were already inside. We long for and miss the atmosphere of playing music with friends a lot. Thinking about the atmosphere when meeting the fans Miss the atmosphere of the concert tour Thinking about roam around in a van to play music in various places, going to making an autograph and meeting the fans, it is a very fun and happy atmosphere. “

Do your homework on the market.New songWell, right?

“Yes, definitely must do. Talk to Pee Teddy As the founder of the Power Pat band, he offers several tips on the music market. I have to research samples of songs from both Thai and foreign countries. Where it is a modern trend Both about soundtrack About playing things To adopt us as a power patch in the 2021s is a huge challenge. ”

How do you expect the songs to be released?

“Actually, I didn’t expect much. Because the work here is a work that we do and we are happy to just think of work to create jobs. Was considered to be successful As for whether it will be popular or not, people will like it more or less, it is a by-product. We just have to do the work that we like and the results come out as we thought. It’s the best. “

Music practice

How do you plan your work or life in the following industry?

“For now, I would like to focus on the issue of music first. Along with the work on helping society In order for us to help other agencies to speak or take our stories to benefit others. Including doing various social activities, now it has gradually started to do The instruments will now be given to the prison from the proceeds of the watercolor painting auction. Including being donated by fans We will bring both instruments That we went to choose ourselves Because we know what is left inside and the money goes to the prison. “

“As for the work plan I want to keep working, dear. Regardless of the location of money Because of my past life I learned that money is not the most important thing, happiness and peace of mind are very important. Another thing is the matter of caring for the family, taking care of your parents, taking care of everyone that he has always been with us. I had to start as a pillar of the house. Because of the past since childhood Went to stay in prison until the age of 40, it has always been my parents’ money “

Why did you choose to support musical instruments? To the prison?

“Because life is quality and happiness in prison because of music and art. It is a life saver Let us know our own worth And to develop musical and artistic skills That in the future could be used to pursue an honest career of inmates as well, and it is important to relax and make him happier in prison life. “

Let’s go back to life as an artist of the ’90s. What style were we at that time?

“Baptists very much, speak less, don’t like being social. Like being alone If available, only stay in the room Working time is not associated with anyone. It was because of my age and cause. Many factors were my habits when I was young. Which is now changing and growing according to the experience I have experienced Keep developing yourself Can talk to people normally Understand more people’s feelings

Before you might not understand And rarely think about the feelings of other people But we don’t have any negative thoughts. But at that time I still didn’t understand life. Still don’t understand a variety of people, and when we grow up to meet more people, we understand. “

Is there a heroic deeds that have evolved?

“I rarely think about it, maybe there are some things like when going to a place where there are many people, it will not be able to run away, not in crowded places, but it is a habit that is against the life of an artist Because artists are a profession that cares about people’s feelings Can be called a semi-service profession (laughs) “

What was the fun of being an artist of that era for us?

“The main thing for me is the atmosphere of the concert tour. Meeting fans We are impressed by the hospitality of the old fans that he would find it difficult to meet an artist or someone he liked. When he meets us, he will be very full, crazy, screaming, sticking to the van, shaking the car, climbing a car, anything (laughs). That era was fun. Lovely atmosphere

Power PatPower Pat

That era I think is a charming era. Now it is easier for people to reach out to the artists they love. But if it was in the past before you met, you have to go and look for work if you want to knownewsYou have to read magazines, newspapers, the charm of that era is difficult (laughs) “

This age is the age of speed. Are we secretly shocked?

“I was shocked because a lot of things collided so quickly. Both work and life, everything strikes. If we don’t have a good backup or advisor We may not be able to cope in time, have to be awkward, must be confused, of course. Personally, I personally asked if I was scared or not, but there may be a moment that I want to brake. Do we think everything is too fast? Does it have to slow down a bit? It has to be adapted gradually and it must be very careful in life. “

Let’s go back to the time spent in prison. What motivates us to feel like improving ourselves? Want to continue living and have hope?

“The main thing for me is music and art. Because I set a goal that one day if I go out of punishment We have to be better, have results, have a more progressive development. We use our dreams and goals here as the core of our own lifestyle.

Another part Is encouragement from people who love us, such as family, siblings, fans, that he has never left and continues to fight with us. This is another important point in how we can sustain our lives to this day.

And another The most important part is the encouragement of yourself. Even if anyone came to comfort us Let’s say anything, but if we can’t think of it We are not firm enough to live with anyone, we cannot help us. “

Power Patch

With a very long time in prison Is there a period of discouragement?

“Yes, there is, but it will not be long. Which I consider I am fortunate to have feelings like that, I never felt that Hey, stop doing better than doing it and it doesn’t work. Or that it is not what you want But it was just not born for two days. I was fortunate, when I fell asleep and woke up, I still felt that Hey, let’s try again. Let’s try again. The bad feelings that day will fade away with time. What gives us the strength to try again To take it again because of our goals, it is still very clear that we want to do what we love. “

When returning to the industry Now that they have received the title of “Daddy” of girls too?

“It’s a good feeling. So cute and warm It is a matter of the area of ​​expression in modern society. People have the opportunity to express what they think. I think it’s fine. We have seen opinions in different ways. “

Daddy have love yet?

“No, I didn’t think at all, and didn’t want to use the word I don’t want to have Better because I still have something to learn. I have to do a lot. Plus a career It does not seem stable enough for our family or people to take care of more. It will also be a matter of guilt. If one day we accept people into our life, we take care of them badly. Can’t give him time If he has a bad feeling, we will feel guilty.

Having a family is a big deal. In the path we have chosen, it may not be comfortable or beautiful. We may be able to fight alone. But if someone else has to come to fight with us, maybe it’s unfair to him or not that he has to suffer with us. “

Is there an ideal girl?

“It should be a woman who is calm and polite, speaks because she understands us. Love in music, love in art, love of children, love for animals (laughs), speaks lightly, doesn’t like people with loud voices. “

Pat is a womanizer?

“Flirting (smiling) in the past, he was very flirtatious A lot of talkers, a lot of dating “

How many people have you been in a relationship with the most?

“If really dating, just 2 will be tired. But if the model is not serious, then there will always be a youthful lifestyle. “

And when dating 2 Women, don’t you know?

“May know, but can accept.”

Why did you choose to be in a relationship?

I like both of them. It can’t be chosen. (Smile) Actually, it is difficult to manage, very tiring, it is one thing that allows us to learn as well that by doing this, we may be happy for a while, but suffering is more. Considered an experience At that time it was interrupted. But not very good at Most will get caught, and when caughtGames Accept that it’s true, can you accept it? Most of them cannot accept it. (laugh)”

So hot to the point where women fight and take us there?

“There have always been things like this. Since school days There are both ways that know that we are in a relationship with both of them. And there are ways that we didn’t get together with both of them. But they beat each other and we were confused, so what did they argue about (laughs) “

Power Patch

How do we feel at home? There are women to fight for us?

“It’s strange that like Oh! Must be this size? We don’t want to hit each other anyway, because we don’t like violence. Does not like fighting “

When did you stop flirting?

Today, it still does not quit. Just not busy with love (Laughs) We cut this off first because we still want to work. Still want to concentrate on doing other things Called not quit But I haven’t started counting one yet (laughs). I think these things are a lot of details and it’s tiring. When growing up, so just like “

Call it a sleeping tiger?

“Yes, if you wake up, it’s unlikely (laughs)

The past life swings more and more ultimately if we are to take advantage of this. Pat sees what we get from it?

Past life teaches us not to be attached to everything we face. What do we find today? Tomorrow it might disappear, be it fame, money, honor, compliment, or anything else.

So now Regardless of the good or the bad, it will not have much effect on me. Because i’m all past I have seen that When it comes in, it will be gone. It changes all the time Just do what you love Do not put too many conditions in life, for example, I will have to work for this much money. Need to buy a house at this price The more conditions we make, the harder it is to find happiness in life.

Power Patch

Today I am very satisfied with my life. Just when I come out to do what I love, I think it’s amazing. Lay at home Have eaten with family I’m happy now And I am not afraid of any changes in my life. Because I have seen the most extreme models and saw that Everything is on ourselves. We cannot blame anyone. If we don’t make risky lifestyle choices The likelihood of this happening is minimal. It’s where we really make our own choices.

Want Pat to send encouragement To someone who may be desperate or uninspired in life?

“I think we must never forget our goals in life. That we had set Because it is important that we use an attachment to live every day. Don’t give up, don’t let go of your dream. Or what we want to be Along the way, it might be tiring. Found obstacles and discouraged. May make us forget some But we must return to hold on to these things and continue to follow the path. You have to be patient, it may take time. And may have to exchange for many things, but if we are patient It must have our day. I want you to believe that.

Every failure has all the benefits Everything in this world is always two aspects, but I want to look at the useful side of our lives more. Life is learning both good and bad. I don’t want you to look but we have lost anything. Because it will make us depressed Look at what it teaches us better. “

Finally, give a message to the power patch fans who have been waiting for our work?

I want you to wait and follow. Both concert songs and various forms of work Power Pat I certify that there is always something to follow, there should be an activity within the beginning of next month. Thank you. “

Today I am full of chatting with hot guys of the 90s. Thinking perspective And the heart that fights for what we love until the day of success For anyone who is waiting for Pat’s work And the Power Pat band Prepare to hear the good news. Because soon, definitely be happy

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