Home » today » Health » Haute-Saône. Cigarettes, now “persona non grata” at Vesoul hospital

Haute-Saône. Cigarettes, now “persona non grata” at Vesoul hospital

On Monday, May 31 in the afternoon, six signage totems appeared on the forecourt of Vesoul hospital, around the main entrance. On these high panels scattered around various places in the square, we can read: “You are entering a non-smoking area, you can no longer smoke in this place”. From now on, it will be forbidden to smoke on the front of the hospital, in a large space delimited on the ground by blue lines. The ashtrays, the smoking room, have also been moved to protect the area from passive smoking.

Vesoul after Gray, already in 2017

This new signage was inaugurated on Monday as part of the World No Tobacco Day, in the presence in particular of the director of the Haute-Saône hospital group, Alexandrine Kientzy-Laluc and the departmental delegate of the Regional Health Agency, Véronique Tisserand . This small symbolic ceremony launched the transformation of the Vesoul hospital into a “place of health without tobacco”.

It’s not about making smokers in trouble

Dr Yannick Sellés, medical project manager

Thus, other areas of the same ilk will soon be materialized elsewhere, around the hospital building. And this exit from tobacco should ultimately affect all GH70 hospitals. And this, in the right line of the Gray hospital, a forerunner in the matter, for having, in 2017, pushed back the cigarette of its external enclosure.

Hospital staff too

“It is not a question of putting smokers in difficulty, for whom we are going to propose alternatives to support them in smoking cessation”, explained the Dr Yannick Sellés, medical project manager.

The doctor determines three types of audience. “The patients on the one hand, to whom we offer nicotine substitutions during their hospitalization”, details the medical project manager. “Visitors – whether they are close to a patient or service providers – for whom it will simply be forbidden to smoke inside the hospital, but who may, if they wish, benefit from a outpatient tobacco treatment. “

We also have the project to set up hypnosis sessions

And finally, the hospital staff, who the doctor admits is perhaps the biggest challenge in this process. “For smokers who wish to remain so, the ban on doing so in the hospital applies. However, the hospital can initially provide a nicotine replacement if they need it. For those who wish to quit, they can also benefit from a tobacco consultation. Discussion times exist in this context, as well as acupuncture sessions, and we also plan to set up hypnosis sessions. “

In this approach, the GH70 benefits from the support of ARS Bourgogne Franche-Comté, to the tune of € 200,000, an envelope which is part of a call for projects launched on this theme in 2019, and is taking place on three years.

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