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HAUTE-MARNE: Valérie Pécresse meets the Gaullist Amicale de Côte-d’Or

In her day dedicated to a tribute to General de Gaulle, this Tuesday, November 9, Valérie Pécresse spoke with about forty Côte-d’Oriens who made the trip to Colombey-les-Deux-Églises. The candidate for the Republicans primary proposes to establish in schools a “day of heroes”.

The Côte-d’Orien Michel Garreau was present at the funeral of General de Gaulle which took place on November 12, 1970 in Colombey-les-Deux-Églises, following his death on the previous November 9.

Today, Michel Garreau chairs the Amicale gaulliste de Côte-d’Or, since 2010. In this capacity, he has organized the travel of around forty members by coach from Dijon on the occasion of the 51st anniversary of the death of Charles de Gaulle, which occurred on November 9, 1970.

“A Frenchman among the French”

The Côte-d’Oriens gathered for lunch at the Hostellerie La Montagne, “one of the most accessible starred restaurants in France” according to a gastronome from Haut-Marne (market menu at 25 euros, gourmet menu “I understand you »At 65 euros).

“Every year, we meet in Colombey with a lot of happiness; they are faithful, in love with de Gaulle, for his values, for everything he has done for France, he is truly a Frenchman among the French, ”explains the president of the Amicale Gaulliste.

President of the Region and candidate

At coffee time, they were surprised to see Valérie Pécresse (LR-Libres) come to meet them, president of the Ile-de-France regional council and candidate for the Congress of Republicans who will nominate the party’s candidate for election. presidential election of 2022. On October 14, Valérie Pécresse had made a trip to Dijon and already met sympathizers (read our article).

Present in the morning among the personalities who attended the ceremony chaired by Prime Minister Jean Castex, Valérie Pécresse participates in the afternoon in a common wreath laying between the candidates for the primary and the patron of the Republicans, Christian Jacob .

“Work on the link between school and our great men”

Welcomed by Adrien Guené (LR), municipal councilor of Talant and chief of staff of the president of the departmental council of Haute-Marne, Valérie Pécresse first of all makes a point of honor to greet each person with a “check” of the fist. Then, Michel Garreau invites him to address a word to the participants.

“The subject for me, today, is to work on the link between the school and our great men”, then explains the candidate, “if I come to Colombey very regularly, it is because I decided – as Jacques Chirac had done when he was mayor of Paris – to twin my high schools with Colombey and to take three high schools each year which won a prize in the Resistance competition ”.

“May 68 played a huge role in the deconstruction of our history”

“If I am President of the Republic, I announced yesterday that I wanted November 10, therefore between the ceremony for General de Gaulle and the commemoration to the dead for France on November 11, there would be a day in all schools in France dedicated to our heroes who make France, our heroes of yesterday and our heroes of today, ”she recalls.

“I think our children need to have role models. We have a real subject on the next presidential term which will be to remake a nation, to unite the nation. (…) We have a share of responsibility. May 68 played a huge role in the deconstruction of our history, in the deconstruction of the school, etc. This Heroes Day will give them pride in our history, wherever they come from, since the children in our schools, the little French people, come from everywhere, ”explains Valérie Pécresse.

“We have so deconstructed the images of Épinal. It was so kitsch that we took them away but, on the contrary, all countries put them back. A country is images of Epinal, it is great men and great women ”, protests the Republican who cites the examples of the ignorance of the history of Joan of Arc or, to take a example which speaks even more to its audience, of Gustave Eiffel, born in Dijon. “It allows us to do geography, it allows us to make history, it gives models to our young people. We have to give them heroes. Their heroes must not be the Avengers and Captain America ”.

After this stage at the Hostellerie de la Montagne, transformed into an embassy of the Côte-d’Or in Haut-Marne, Valérie Pécresse joined the town hall of the village in order to find her competitors at the Congress of Republicans and walk together towards the tomb of Charles de Gaulle then of the Cross of Lorraine.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

The Prime Minister laid a wreath of flowers at the Charles de Gaulle Memorial

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