The changes in the situation in the property tax files are the subject of significant delays on the part of the tax services of Haute-Garonne.
You were the owner until last year and you are no longer; or on the contrary you were a tenant and you have just bought a property. These changes in situation, which give rise to a declaration to the tax services for the payment or exemption of property tax, are currently causing significant delays in the processing of files. This is the case of S., a resident of Fonbeauzard, who sold her house last year to rent an apartment and who had the unpleasant surprise that she was asked to pay the property tax. Or E., a Toulouse owner for a year, who is surprised not to have yet received his payment advice when the deadline was October 15.
“The strong dynamism of the real estate market, more particularly marked in the Toulouse metropolitan area, has for several months been reflected in a significant increase in land transfer acts to be processed, in particular by the Toulouse Land Advertising Service (SPF) which recorded more 160,000 deeds. Combined with the context of the health crisis, this increase in flows has automatically led to an extension of the processing time for notarial deeds. This situation has therefore unfortunately led, in some cases, to the 2021 property tax notice. or issued in the name of the former owner, in particular for sales made at the end of the year “explains the public finance department of Haute-Garonne. In some cases the delays are of the order of three to four months.
But don’t panic, you should only pay what you owe, with no penalty. “In order to limit these inconveniences suffered by the users concerned, the services of the regional public finance department have implemented a specific treatment of these files by pronouncing tax relief as and when the documents are published in the file. Each user has also been able to report their particular situation (on impots.gouv, at our counters or by telephone); complaints are being processed in order to relieve the former owners and reissue in the name of new buyers “specifies the DRFIP 31 which “apologizes to users who may have known about this situation which will be resolved as quickly as possible”.
Increase in transactions
In the department in fact, notaries observe a significant increase in transactions for old houses (+ 2.7%) and building land (+ 11.8%) between July 1, 2020 and July 31, 2021.
“2021 is a year of very strong growth, the market is very oriented, very active and the phenomenon is confirmed everywhere in France. Prices have been rising sharply for 3 years and for all categories of goods. After the signing of a mandate, a property in Toulouse takes on average less than a month to be sold, ”note the representatives of the Haute-Garonne notaries.
In addition, a new phenomenon is confirmed, that of the “semi-main” house and the attractiveness of the departments bordering Haute-Garonne. “The successive confinements and the arrival of teleworking have provoked reflections in real estate matters. And from reflection, the actors took action! We can now continue to rent an apartment in Toulouse and buy a small house in the Tarn where we will telecommute on weekends. More and more of us are experimenting with mixed lifestyles which favor time shared between two places of residence ”explains the interdepartmental chamber of notaries.