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Haugen expresses fear of Facebook metaverse to Europe

The former Facebook employee, Frances Haugen, is on a European tour these days to denounce before the institutions of the EU countries the dangers posed by large technology platforms, as well as the need for regulation that defends consumers against their abuse. After appearing in recent days in London, Lisbon, Berlin and Brussels, he will do so in Paris before the end of the week.

Facebook is a threat to democracy”, He said yesterday before the members of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection of the European Parliament in the Belgian capital. This commission is working on the development of the proposal for the Digital Services Act (DSA) presented by the European Commission at the end of 2020, so it wanted to have the opinions of Mark Zuckerberg’s former employee.

I am very concerned about metaverso”Said Haugen about the company’s commitment to a virtual universe in which users will interact through 3D avatars using virtual reality devices. He also criticized that the company can dedicate 10,000 engineers to the development of this platform and not to security. “It is a bad idea to fill our homes and offices with the sensors of a company that does not respect our privacy. (…) Users have to expose a lot and Facebook has shown that it lies every time it suits it”He added.

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