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Hatred on the net brings Chamer to court – Cham region – news

The father of the family is said to have insulted asylum seekers and posted a swastika on WhatsApp. He felt misunderstood.

27. June 2021

4:30 a.m.

The father of the family is said to have spread pure hatred online, according to the prosecution. Photo: Christin Klose / picture alliance / dpa / dpa-tmn

Cham.He is said to have insulted asylum seekers and even posted a swastika image: An escalated chat in a WhatsApp group has serious consequences for a 48-year-old family man from the Cham district. Because suddenly he was sitting in court. The accusation: spreading hate speech and unconstitutional symbols. But the man protested that he wanted to say exactly the opposite.

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Further articles from this section can be found under Cham.

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