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“Hassan Attia Acquitted of Accusation of Dealing with Israeli Enemy: Details of the Case Revealed”

Attia’s family in the southern town of Qana welcomed their young son, Hassan, with festivities, after he was proven innocent of the charge of “dealing with the Israeli enemy.”

And in the details reported by the “Yasour” website, the permanent military court panel issued, yesterday, a unanimous decision of its military and civilian members, ruling that “the detainee, Hassan Attia, from the southern town of Qana, is acquitted of the charge of dealing with the Israeli enemy, after it was proven to it that the security apparatus of” Hezbollah He was managing the communication that existed between him and Israel.

The Information Branch of the Internal Security Forces arrested Attia on the background of exposing contacts between him and Israeli operators, as part of the campaign against the networks of collaborators with the enemy, and referred him with preliminary investigations to the military judiciary, which ordered his detention pending investigation for a period of several months.

And after the news of Attia’s arrest was spread, confusion arose in his hometown of Qana and among his family members, which prompted “Hezbollah” to intervene. About a job opportunity via the Internet, the Israeli enemy communicated with him under the cover of securing a job for him.When he sensed that the enemy was behind this attempt, he took the initiative to inform the resistance of the details of the matter, so that it became clear that the contact party was the enemy’s intelligence.Then the resistance took over the detailed follow-up with him and supervised all the details. During which Attia showed all sincerity and responsiveness, and no remarks were recorded on him. Thus, we confirm that Hassan Attia is not an agent of the enemy.

Attia expressed his dissatisfaction with the fabrication of the accusation of collaborating with him, saying: “Review my history and the history of my family. His mother refused to meet him before his family declared his renunciation of him, in addition to stigmatizing him as a disgrace of labor.” Attia also focused more than once on the statement of the resistance, which “without it, I would now be an agent in everyone’s eyes, but this statement, which confirmed its supervision of my work, is what saved me.”

After deliberation, the court decided to acquit Attia, and a decision was issued to release him, and he was handed over and brought to the house in Qana, south Lebanon.

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2023-05-14 07:54:59
#Hassan #returned #Qana #hero.. #details

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