Hops.ID – Guritno month known for being so close to his eldest son Shalom Razade.
However, Guritno month really put it to suspect to dating style Shalom Razade.
Without compromise Guritno month suspect various actions of the boy Shalom Razade who is now an ex
At that time, the eldest was just a teenager but already knew about love and the opposite sex.
But unfortunately, Wulan felt that her daughter’s boyfriend was leading her in a bad direction because the little girl was no longer open.
“There’s never been one who hasn’t to openbecause in my opinion there were a lot of things he didn’t deserve to do,” he said, quoted by Hops.ID via Trans TV’s official YouTube channel on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.
Shalom Razade did it honestly here. (Photo: Instagram.com @shalomrazaaa)