Home » today » Entertainment » Has Siae made known Liberato’s identity? Here’s what we know

Has Siae made known Liberato’s identity? Here’s what we know

The last public appearance was there evening of July 20. In an almost surprise concert, on a raft that floated between the gentle waves and the strobe lights of the beach in front of Procida. He dressed in black, with a hood, dark glasses and a black cloak. That is how Set free has accustomed its audience since in 2017 released her first single on YouTube: May 9th. In the last few hours, however, the mysterious veil that enveloped the identity of the Neapolitan singer may have been torn apart. A theory has begun to circulate on social media according to which Liberato’s real name would be Gennaro Nocerinosinger already known in the electronic music scene as Herr Styler.

To unleash the whole a SIAE document, the company that manages copyrights in Italy. Specifically, Siae has included Liberato among the authors of the song Future Romance. To verify it, just go to the digital archive that can be found on the official site of society. This song on YouTube reports among the authors Gennaro Nocerino, the only one who does not appear in the Siae documents. From this then it should be deduced that Nocerino is registered with SIAE with the name of Liberato. It is certainly not the first time that the identity of Liberato has been attributed to that of a singer already active in the Neapolitan descent, it has already happened with Livio Cori. No official confirmation has yet arrived. But not even any denials.

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