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Has Qualcomm announced a release delay for the iPhone 12s?

On July 29, 2020, referring to its quarterly earnings forecast, Qualcomm may have sold off on a delayed launch of the iPhone 12 5G.

Those who have followed the news of this year 2020 will no doubt admit that it is… delicate. And events could shake up the usual schedule for late summer mobile releases slightly. While Samsung should not be impacted for the launch of its Galaxy Note 20, Apple could bet on October for the official release of its iPhone 12. This is in any case what Qualcomm suggests.

The US company responsible for the production of some of Apple’s mobile chips hinted during the presentation of its quarterly earnings forecast that shareholders should expect a “Partial impact” on the financial results for the current quarter. An impact that would be linked to the delay in launching a high-end 5G smartphone. In an interview with Reuters, the president of Qualcomm evokes “A slight delay which pushes some products from the September results to those of December” for the company. If the man did not deliver a name, analysts agree that it would be Apple.

On the side of leakers, we also announced a delayed availability of the iPhone 12, while the Apple keynote would take place, as always, in September. It should be noted that the cooperation between Apple and Qualcomm is only for 5G models, and some 4G models – if any – could be launched earlier. As a reminder, this agreement around 5G chips was concluded last year for an amount of approximately 4.5 billion dollars.

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