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Has benefits for the body, here are 5 nutritional content in healthy food

KONTAN.CO.ID – Healthy food does have tremendous benefits for the body. This cannot be separated from the nutritional content in healthy food

Various kinds of benefits of healthy food you can not underestimate. Starting from reducing the risk of heart disease, avoiding diabetes and obesity, to improving the quality of the brain.

However, it is not complete if you only know the benefits of eating healthy food without knowing what the actual content in healthy food is.

Food can be said to be healthy if it contains elements or ingredients that are believed to be needed by the body to maintain health.

In Indonesia, initially the concept of healthy and nutritious food referred to “4 healthy 5 perfect foods”.

However, this concept is starting to be abandoned and switch to the concept of “balanced nutrition guide”, which emphasizes more on maintaining the intake of food portions that enter the body.

What are the criteria for healthy food that must be considered? Here are 5 nutritional content in this healthy food. which must be present in the food consumed daily.

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1. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main source of human energy. Reported from the website Motivate PT, 55% to 60% of caloric intake should come from carbohydrates.

You can get carbohydrates from various types of food, such as brown rice, wheat, corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes.

The function of carbohydrates in addition to the main source of energy is also to limit the intake of calories that enter the body, maintain muscle mass, maintain digestive health, and provide longer satiety.

2. Protein

In the body, protein will be processed into amino acids, which are in charge of building muscles, organs, skin, and hair. In addition, the function of hormones is also regulated by proteins.

It is important to meet protein requirements of 10%-15% of daily caloric intake Realfood. Sources of protein that can be consumed are very diverse, both vegetable and animal.

Recommendations for healthy foods high in protein that can be consumed are eggs, almonds, chicken, fish, duck, wheat, and soybeans.

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3. Fiber

Fiber serves to aid the digestive process which is divided into two types: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, which is usually found in leafy vegetables, aids digestion by helping the stomach adapt to longer emptying times. While insoluble fiber is useful for preventing digestive problems.

To get high-fiber foods, you can eat healthy foods such as green vegetables and fruits. For example, spinach, beans, kale, oranges, mangoes, bananas, and apples.

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4. Mineral

Minerals are substances that are in the soil and are absorbed by the food we eat. Therefore, you can get minerals from both plant and animal sources.

The content of minerals that must be present in the body such as iron, zinc, calcium, selenium, chloride, potassium, iodine, magnesium, and copper.

5. Air

Water is an important element in a healthy and nutritious diet. In fact, 60% of the human body is made up of water so you must meet your daily water needs by drinking eight glasses of water every day or the equivalent of two liters of water.

Lack of drinking may cause various health problems, such as kidney stones and constipation.

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