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Harvey Weinstein, bloody testicles: a woman he was trying to rape replied

Although Harvey Weinstein is in prison, some find he is not paying enough for his decades of raping and sexually assaulting women in show business. The testimony of a new victim could well quench their thirst: an actress whom the producer had tried to rape left him “bloody testicles“, as an article by The Post, March 27, 2021.

In documents from a lawsuit filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court, a certain Hayley Gripp explains that Harvey Weinstein tried to rape her, while they were in a hotel suite Hilton in Beverly Hills in November 2012. She was only 19 at the time. The one who wanted to become an actress hid for years her awful encounter with this “big producer“from Hollywood, whose identity she did not know until the outbreak of the case in 2017. Now suffering from post-traumatic stress, she now hears that justice recognize the damage that Harvey Weinstein caused her .

Los Angeles resident Hayley Gripp was having coffee while reading a book at the hotel bar Hilton when an associate of the producer approached her and struck up a conversation with her. She then opens up about her life and about his Tourette syndrome. It was there that she offered him a future casting for a large agency with a “big producer”, which Hayley agreed to.

When she entered the suite where she had met, Harvey Weinstein introduced himself as a certain “Dom”. She refuses the glass of wine he offers her. “It’s rude not to accept a drink from someone who feeds you and offers you their hospitality“, the producer would have told him. After drinking half the glass, Hayley suffered from”bref blackout“.

A broken nail, a scrotum and blood

When she came to her senses, she was against a table as Harvey Weinstein touched her without her consent. “You are so wet and tight. You are a virgin, aren’t you? Just pretend you’re with someone like Zac Efron“, he allegedly told her. The complaint says that the victim did not realize that the producer’s fingers were in her vagina before she did”feel the metal of his watch against his skin“.

Then Harvey Weinstein held her down. To get out of it, Hayley then “pushed with all his might“with his arms, breaking one of her false nails against the table. “Mr. Gripp then planted his sharp nail on the lower part of Mr. Weinstein’s scrotum.“, mentions the documents cited by Page Six. The sequel looks like a scene straight out of a novel: “Mr. Weinstein let out a loud cry and grabbed her hand, digging his fingernail deeper into her scrotum.“.

So, we finally have an explanation for Harvey Weinstein’s deformed genitals. Many victims explained that they had seen “large scars “ at the level of the testicles, which made it possible to authenticate their testimonies.

The rest of the complaint explains how Harvey Weinstein lost a lot of blood and Hayley tried to escape. The associate who had approached her earlier then threatened her with “end up in a psychiatric hospital” if she came to recall what had happened. She then held her Tourette syndrome as responsible for the injury to her boss.

Hayley Gripp had not appeared during the trial of Harvey Weinstein and thus could not touch the 17 million dollars shared between the hundred of victims of the producer. Currently, the former boss of The Weinstein Compagny is serving a 23-year sentence in a high-security prison, after being sentenced in February 2020.

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