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Harvesting Free Fruit, Herbs, and Nuts: Tips for Legal “Mouth Robbery” on Kaiserstuhl – Weekly Review for Southern Baden.

Harvest free fruit, herbs and nuts instead of plundering plantations on the Kaiserstuhl. Tips for legal mouth robbery and cool heads – the weekly review for the southern Baden region.

Hello and hello, I’m Anita Westrup, reporter at SWR Studio Freiburg and here you can find out which regional news particularly moved me this week:

Bright red balls, sweet pulp: when I see cherries on the tree, my fingers itch. I want to pick the red bulbs immediately and bite into them. Cherry pit spitting included. But the wild Snacking is not a minor offence, but a criminal offence – regardless of whether a cherry or dozens of kilograms are taken, as happened at the Kaiserstuhl.

On the country road between Endingen and Königschaffhausen (Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district), strangers stole around 50 kilograms of cherries. The police are looking for witnesses. But the chances of finding the perpetrators in such cases are manageable, Jessica Joos from the Sehringer fruit farm in Schallstadt-Mengen tells me. Their orchard has also been plundered. Last year, unknown persons harvested a complete row of cherry trees. Up to 150 kilograms of cherries gone. How bold! But unfortunately not an isolated case. “More and more things are being stolen,” says Joos. There is no insurance against fruit theft. Producers were often left with the damage. That must be really frustrating!

On the Mundraub.org website you can find fruit trees, bushes, nuts and herbs in your area that you can officially nibble on.

As a touring cyclist, I often pedal through the green expanses of southern Baden. And because that makes you hungry, I always keep an eye out for fruit trees on the way. The platform “Mundraub.org” helps me on my hunt for a little sweetness. Okay, I’ll admit the name isn’t that lucky, but the idea behind it is pretty cool: Here you can find trees that you can legally harvest from – without worrying about theft guilty. Along the Vogel-See near Forchheim, for example, there are many bushes with blackberries. And for all saving-conscious cherry fans: In Bahlingen am Kaiserstuhl, near the mountain cemetery, you can eat cherries well and legally. Or in the Near the medical bunker of the west wall near Opfingen. Enjoy!

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SWR4 Baden-Württemberg reported on the cherry theft on June 5, 2023.

Red grave lights, flowers, family photos in front of the victim’s house: the Ebnet district of Bonndorf (Waldshut district) is mourning. A 35-year-old woman was killed with a knife on the street last Friday. According to the police, a deep stitch under the left armpit is the reason for the death of the mother of three – according to the result of the autopsy. The suspected ex-partner is in custody. suspected femicide.

Knife, stab, mother, death – writing these words makes me swallow. Factual reporting is often a shield for me to keep the atrocities from getting to me. But I want to be honest: the violent death of the young woman, who was about my age, made me think a lot. Bonndorf (not the Bronx!) – for me a small, safe spot on the map, somewhere in the Black Forest. With a large ham factory and the good-humoured plum eaters at Fasnet.

The Red Bench as a symbol against violence against women in Freiburg's Stadtgarten.  (Photo: SWR, Anita Westrup)

The Red Bench as a symbol against violence against women in Freiburg’s Stadtgarten.


Called Armin Bohnert from the Freiburg police. “There are no separate police statistics on femicides, i.e. killings of women and girls because of their gender,” says Bohnert. The upper category is called “partner violence”, violence against the partner, against the partner. And according to the police director at the Freiburg police headquarters, which also includes the Waldshut district, this reached a new high in 2022 – with 1,584 cases. In no other headquarters area in Baden-Württemberg is the number as high as in the police headquarters in Freiburg.

Year/cases of partner violence (source: Criminal statistics police headquarters Freiburg):

  • 2022: 1.584including 1,235 female victims
  • 2021: 1,402, including 1,111 female victims
  • 2020: 1,453, including 1,142 female victims
  • 2019: 1,438, including 1,104 female victims
  • ….
  • 2014: 1,357, including 1,077 female victims

What are the police doing to curb intimate partner violence? Armin Bohnert reports on two approaches. Suppose a woman was beaten by her partner: in addition to prosecuting the perpetrator if the woman reported him, the police will contact the aggressor and make a so-called threat report. In other words, the officers are trying to talk to the attacker and want to de-escalate the situation. At the same time, the emergency services get in touch with the victim. The police explain, among other things, how the woman can best protect herself. Specifically, it is also about secure front doors. Particularly interesting: the police also analyze the social media presence of those affected and give tips on safe handling, so that people cannot be located, for example.

SWR4 Baden-Württemberg reported on the deadly knife attack in Bonndorf on June 5, 2023.

Hot, hotter, Offenburg! The sun shines there for an average of 2,800 hours a year, making the city in the Ortenau region the sunniest in Germany. This was recently discovered by the Berlin energy company Enpal. Honorable title, but with news like this I don’t want to be stuck in the skin of an Offenburg sweat gland. There are busy months ahead of her. Lucky that the Offenburg city administration has a cool idea.

Anyone who lives in Sunshine-City OG should go to the website “mitmachen.offenburg.de“Now mark cool places. That could be a park bench in the shade, a lawn sprinkler on the soccer field or maybe the freezer at home? I’m curious about the suggestions. The results should be drawn on a city map by the way. My idea: if Offenburg in the summer already turned into a sauna, then please with ice infusion Why not distribute ice cube-to-go machines in the city and cool down the heated spirits a little with small, melting cool-downers?

We reported about this in the SWR4 regional news on June 7th, 2023.

Last week we asked you how you feel about e-scooters. The result of our non-representative survey is clear: “Super annoying and unnecessary” say 87 percent. Almost 10 percent voted for “Practical! I now leave the car at home more often”. And around three percent are really into the speedsters and say “It’s great fun!”. Background to our survey: Last week, a 72-year-old pensioner started punching. The reason: A 16-year-old e-scooter driver came towards him. On the pavement!

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What else has been keeping you busy this week? Write to us: [email protected].

#Weekly #review #legally #steal #cherries

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