Hülseberg (Niedersachsen) – The pain-filled screams of the young man (19) echoed across the entire field.
Alarmed by the cries for help, witnesses notified the fire department. Minutes of anxiety and maneuvering began to try to free the seriously injured victim from the corn chopper. An emergency operation followed in the middle of the field!
video-heading">Shock at harvest festival19-year-old hit by corn chopper
Source: Nord West Media 22.09.2024
Shredder driver overlooked 19-year-old
The dramatic accident occurred on the sidelines of a harvest festival in the small town of Hülsberg, north of Bremen, which has a population of 600. The villagers celebrated with a colorful harvest parade and met in a meadow. From there, the young man went into a cornfield, possibly to go to the toilet. The terrible accident took its course.
The 19-year-old got caught in this corn chopper. His health is unclear
The driver of the corn harvester overlooked the young man in the bushes – the Harvester swallowed him – he was pulled in up to his hips and trapped between the teeth of the device …
The harvest procession had formed on a meadow. Apparently to relieve himself, the young man went into a cornfield
Surgeons operate on man in the field
The rescuers needed about an hour to free the seriously injured young man. Special surgeons had to be flown in by rescue helicopter due to the severity of the injuries to his legs.
So that the helicopter could land on the meadow, the harvest parade was started early.
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Chris Hartmann, spokesman for the fire department, reports on the rescue: “It was a pretty dramatic situation. The person had both legs stuck in the combine harvester up to his hips. He was obviously in a lot of pain and had a high level of injury. It was a very, very difficult situation for us, and we had to immediately begin the difficult technical rescue.”
Surgeons were flown in to free the man from the shredder
Rescue took an hour
The scenes on site were moving: rescue workers and doctors fought for every second. Hartmann: “We first stabilized the young man and made sure that the sharp knives did not cause any further injuries. Luckily, we also had colleagues and specialists here who knew the machine very, very well. That was very helpful, so that together with the rescue service, specialists and the fire department, we were able to slowly get the person out of trouble.”
The 19-year-old was then taken to the Boberg Accident Hospital in Hamburg It is currently unclear whether he will lose his legs or what his health condition is.
The rescue workers had to work on the corn chopper with heavy equipment
Hartmann continued: “It was a complicated rescue – it took us about an hour. It is of course particularly important at this point because time is of course a very important factor here.”
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Friends and witnesses cared for by pastors
Friends and relatives, who were supposed to ride through the village with the accident victim on a harvest wagon, witnessed the terrible scenes. Some were reportedly in shock and required pastoral care.
The accident should now be examined in detail.