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Harvard Scientists Create Programmable Metafluid with Impressive Properties and Applications

<br /> Scientists Develop Programmable Metafluid with Wide Range of Applications<br />

Scientists Develop Programmable Metafluid with Wide Range of Applications

April 7, 2024

Scientists have developed a metafluid with programmable response.

Scientists at a prestigious engineering and applied sciences school have achieved a major breakthrough by creating a programmable metafluid. This innovative fluid, developed at the school’s labs, possesses the remarkable ability to change its properties, including viscosity, optical transparency, and even its behavior as a Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluid, based on the applied pressure. This breakthrough, with potential applications in robotics, optical devices, and energy dissipation, showcases the significant advancements in metamaterial technology.

An artist’s concept illustrating the potential applications of the programmable metafluid. Image credit: SciTechDaily.com

Metafluids vs. Solid Metamaterials

Metamaterials, which are engineered materials with unique properties, have been widely used in various applications. However, the majority of metamaterials available, such as metalenses, are solid materials. In contrast, the newly developed metafluid is capable of adapting to the shape of its container by flowing, providing unparalleled flexibility and versatility. This novel metafluid’s ability to transition from one state to another and its programmable properties open up endless possibilities in areas such as robotics, energy dissipation, and optics.

Tunable optics with a Harvard logo

Tunable optics with a Harvard logo. Image credit: Harvard SEAS

Properties and Applications of the Metafluid

The newly developed metafluid is composed of small elastomer spheres to create a suspension that radically changes the characteristics of the fluid under pressure. This transition affects crucial properties of the fluid, including its viscosity and opacity. By adjusting the number, thickness, and size of the elastomer spheres in the liquid, these properties can be tailored to suit various needs in different fields.

A prototype hydraulic robotic gripper loaded with the metafluid has been successfully demonstrated. The metafluid, which automatically adjusts in response to different pressures, allows the gripper to pick up a range of objects with varying weights, from heavy glass bottles to delicate eggs and even small blueberries. Without the need for external control or sensors, the metafluid itself performs the intelligent adjustments required for a successful and safe grip.

The metafluid also exhibits fascinating optical properties, which can be manipulated through pressure. While in its round capsule-state, the metafluid scatters light, making the fluid opaque. However, once pressure is applied, the capsules collapse, mimicking microlenses that focus light, resulting in the liquid becoming transparent. This optical transition can be utilized in diverse applications, including pressure-sensitive e-inks that change colors.

The metafluid has also defied expectations by transforming its behavior from that of a Newtonian to a non-Newtonian fluid. In its spherical capsule-state, the fluid’s viscosity changes only with temperature, adhering to Newtonian fluid behavior. Yet, when the capsules collapse, induced by pressure, the fluid behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, where its viscosity adjusts with applied shear force. This remarkable transition between fluid states has never been observed in previous metafluid developments.


The scientists behind this breakthrough are excited about the potential applications and impact of this metafluid innovation. With its ease of production and scalability, this metafluid holds promise in a wide range of fields, from advanced robotics and smart devices to future applications that explore the acoustic and thermodynamic properties of fluids.

The research has been published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature and has attracted interest from the scientific and technology communities. Harvard’s Office of Technology Development has ensured the protection of the intellectual property associated with this research and is actively pursuing commercialization opportunities.

The research was partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through a grant provided to the Harvard University Materials Research Science and Engineering Center.

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