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Harvard researchers have genetically modified pigs to make their organs compatible with humans

An international scientific team has succeeded in genetically modifying pigs so that their organs are compatible with human transplants.

This progress could revolutionize the transplantation of organs (heart, liver or lungs), allowing them to be taken from pigs, instead of human donors who are very few, according to an article published in the American journal Science, quoted by AFP.

Until now, these pig transplants were at risk of transmitting a virus that could infect humans.

According to Science, the team led by two Harvard University geneticists, George Lurch and Luhan Yang, used the cloning method to annihilate the genes responsible for the virus’s appearance in swine DNA before developing embryos.

The private company eGenesis, founded by the two scientists, managed to get the birth of 37 pigs whose organs will be suitable for xenotransplantation, a graft with an organ from an animal.

The shortage of human organs is so great that 22 people die every day in the United States in anticipation of a vital organ, “while pig organs can reach an ideal size for humans,” writes Science.

Pigs are already used for xenotransplants of the heart or pancreas. This new progress would allow the transplantation of larger organs from pigs, but which will also present a higher risk of transmitting the virus, notes AFP.

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