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Hartz 4: New service from July – there is permanently more money

Hartz 4: New service from the state from July – there is more money for many permanently

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6/10/2022 at 3:32 p.m

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Citizens’ income, share pension and basic child security: These reforms are coming

Citizens’ income, share pension and basic child security: These reforms are coming

We present some of the social reforms planned by the traffic light coalition.

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Hartz 4 was increased only minimally at the turn of the year 2022. The standard rate for adults increased by three euros. Now, from July onwards, the recipients can look forward to a bigger cash injection. The grants are part of the federal government’s relief package.

For part of Hartz-4-Recipients are then even permanently given more money from the state through a completely new service.

Hartz 4: New benefit from the state from July – many will then get more money permanently

First of all, the one-off payment that everyone who is entitled to basic security benefits, i.e. all recipients of unemployment benefit II or social security benefits: In July they will receive 200 euros as a bonus payment. So there is a one-off fee of 649 euros for you, instead of 449 euros as the regular standard rate.


More about Hartz 4:

  • Hartz 4 actually means unemployment benefit II (ALG II).
  • It has existed since January 1, 2005.
  • It is the basic security benefit for employable beneficiaries according to the second book of the Social Security Code.
  • It aims to enable beneficiaries to lead a dignified life.
  • However, the benefit can be reduced by sanctions.
  • The traffic light coalition wants to convert Hartz 4 into a new citizens’ allowance.


Another one-off payment is the child bonus 2022: Families entitled to child benefit receive an additional 100 euros per child.

But there is now also an additional service that will be paid beyond July.

Permanently more money: New service for certain Hartz 4 recipients

From July there will be 20 euros more per child, teenager and young adult up to the age of 25 as an immediate surcharge. Parents who receive Hartz 4 or social benefits or their children who live with them in the same household are entitled to benefits. The payment is extra and not together with Hartz 4 or child benefit.


More articles about Hartz 4:


The immediate surcharge for children is intended by the traffic light government as a bridging measure until the introduction of the planned basic child security.

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