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Hartz 4 bonus is doubled – when the money is transferred

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Created: 08/04/2022, 09:35 am

Von: Karolin Schäfer


There will be a change for Hartz IV recipients in 2022: the federal government has decided on a bonus payment in its relief package.

Frankfurt/Berlin – In view of the Ukraine war, prices have risen drastically in many places. In order to relieve the burden on citizens, the traffic light coalition agreed on a billion-euro relief package on Wednesday (March 27th, 2022). In addition to the child benefit bonus and 9-euro ticket, Hartz 4 recipients are also taken into account.

The heads of the coalition of SPD, FDP and Greens have agreed on a one-time bonus payment for citizens who are dependent on social assistance. Parts of the relief package were approved by the Bundestag on Thursday (May 12), including the Hartz 4 grant. But who is entitled to the one-off payment and when will the money be paid out?

Hartz 4 bonus due to inflation and the corona pandemic: what changes are coming in 2022?

People who receive social benefits such as Hartz-4, basic security or asylum money receive a subsidy. At the beginning of 2022, the federal government had already announced a special payment due to the corona pandemic. Due to rising costs for electricity, fuel and groceries at the turn of the year, the bonus was then estimated at 100 euros.

The escalating Ukraine conflict has caused prices to skyrocket again. The cost of oil, gas, coal and fuel has reached new highs since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That is why the traffic light government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has agreed to an increase in the subsidy for recipients of social assistance with the new relief package.

Bonus for Hartz 4 recipients: How much money do recipients of social benefits get?

All in all, Hartz 4 beneficiaries can look forward to a one-off bonus payment of 200 euros. At the same time, an immediate surcharge of 20 euros per child per month for poor families was decided. It is aimed at children, adolescents and young adults who are entitled to basic security, payments under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act or supplementary support for living expenses under the Federal Benefits Act. Families who receive the child supplement also receive the immediate supplement.

  • Unemployment benefit (ALG): Insurance benefit paid for by employees themselves
  • Unemployment benefit II (ALG II) – or Hartz-4: State benefit for needy jobseekers

A one-time payment of 100 euros for people who receive unemployment benefit I was also decided. According to the draft law, everyone “who is entitled to unemployment benefit for at least one day in July 2022” should be entitled to this.

The logo of the Employment Agency. © Sebastian Gollnow/dpa (symbol image)

Hartz IV bonus: When can the special payment be expected in 2022?

But when will the bonus for those entitled to Hartz 4 and other social assistance recipients be paid out? Payment is currently planned for July. The same date has been set for the additional child benefit bonus.

From the point of view of social associations, the one-time payment is not enough to cushion the high consumer costs. Instead, the Hartz 4 bonus would only provide short-term relief. Adolf Bauer, President of the German Social Association, told the editorial network Germany that the standard rates for basic security should be raised “to a level that meets needs”. “Anyone who wants to overcome the social divide must start with the poorest, instead of subsidizing with the watering can regardless of income,” emphasized Ulrich Schneider, general manager of the joint association. (kas/dpa)

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