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Harry and Meghan’s gaffe: what happened in New York

Harry e Meghan I’m in New York for their first, real one visit official after the Megxit and the pandemic. So far they have only participated in video conferences, so the trip to the Big Apple is, for them, a test case. Unfortunately, the dukes have not been very successful in terms of popularity on social media, especially after the gaffe with the mayor of New York.

Harry and Meghan together for vaccine fairness

The Sussexes last public appearance was in March 2020, when they attended the Commonwealth Day ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Now Harry and Meghan are back on stage to visit, last September 23, the One World Observatory of the Freedom Tower, born from the ashes of the Twin Towers and the 9/11 memorial. Meghan Markle won the attention of those present with a look than the weekly Today defines “As a manager” and not very suitable, given the climate New York heat these days: coat dark by Armani, turtleneck with matching pants, 500 euro “Aquazzura” shoes and hair pulled back into a low chignon. The Dukes of Sussex appeared enthusiastic and smiling and Meghan said: “It’s wonderful to be back.”

Nobody knows the complete program of the trip, but we do know that the dukes will attend, on Saturday 25 September 2021 in Central Park, a event of Global Citizen Live which promotes vaccine equity. It seems, in fact, that the no longer royal couple intends to fight so that the vaccine against the coronavirus is available to the whole world in the shortest possible time, asking the members of the G7 and the European Union to donate to the poorest countries one billion doses. Already last May, durante il “Global Citizen’s Vax Live: The Concert To Reunite The World”, il principe Harry He said: “This pandemic cannot end unless we act collectively with an unprecedented commitment to our shared humanity.” Big projects and good intentions that, however, did not convince social users very much, especially due to some errors that have tarnished the glossy image of the Sussex.

From the gaffe with De Blasio to the drink at the hotel

On the 100th floor of the Freedom Tower Harry and Meghan were expected by the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio and state governor Kathy Hochul. A great honor for dukes looking to build a career outside the British court. Too bad that the couple’s SUV would have appeared on the horizon with 14 minutes of delay which have by no means gone unnoticed among the guests. A’occasion which, perhaps, could be handled better. Harry and Meghan were also spotted in the luxurious Carlyle Hotel in New York from 1300 euros a night while having a drink, sparking the social comments of those who did not understand what the purpose of the visit of the dukes to New York is and see in the two of them. divas, more than two activists.

The presence of Sussex she was also criticized with rather harsh sentences. Some users wonder if Harry and Meghan used a polluting private jet to get from Los Angeles to New York. They are the ones who have become champions of the defense of the environment and the fight against climate change. Among the comments, a couple of them stand out, reported by Free. In one we read: “How strange, America has fought so hard to free itself from the British monarchy …”. Another, on the other hand, says bluntly: “British, take them back.”

Harry and Meghan’s popularity plummeted especially after the interview with Oprah Winfrey and struggles to recover. Will the Sussexes be able to win back the British and the Americans? Everything will depend on their next moves, their attitude towards others and the commitments made. It is safe to bet that punctuality will be a much appreciated quality.

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