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Harry and Meghan Markle have made a fortune after marketing their controversial royal story

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have proven their business savvy and currently hold contracts with Netflix, Spotify and Apple. Find out about the details.

Prince Harry announced the release of a memoir recently a few hours ago, and the negotiations behind them have turned into a strategy that continues to fatten his wallet. Page Six was the one who gave the exclusive, while revealing an advance of 17 million euros by Penguin (the publisher in charge of the project), without counting the millionaire sum for the writer in charge of shaping them, JR Moehringer.

But this is nowhere near the largest sum the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have raised after abandoning their royal duties. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the contracts they have landed with publishers, content platforms and the publishing world and audiovisual material in general.

The couple’s first deal was one of their most lucrative plays, fancy lecturers. This has been possible thanks to the work of Harry Walker as an agent, a guy who has on his list the Obamas, Tyler Perry, Serena Williams (intimate of the couple), among others. All ready to liven up any meeting with a conversation, valued at 850,000 euros.

However, what was really important came a few months later, in September 2020, when the agreement with Netflix, which, according to the executives who participated in the negotiations, is valued at 85 million euros. It is a multi-year agreement. And the figure, although it seems an exaggeration to the rest of the mortals, is not so far-fetched: it is the same amount for which Shonda Rimes was hired with the platform.

After this, in December, the couple revealed another deal with Spotify, for a period of three years, for about 21.5 million euros. Added to his savings, among other income and to the prior agreement and discounting of his mortgage, the result is a rather modest figure, almost 100 million euros, 99.5 million to be exact.

Why does everyone want to hire the dukes?

To those who wonder why everyone is willing to pay so much to collaborate with the couple, the answer is quite simple. The public is more interested in knowing the real story more than many believe, for the interview with Oprah, which apparently did not charge, if it generated income for the host of the program and not to mention the channel that transmitted it.

The figure of that conversation that gave so much to talk about, amounted to seven million euros direct for Oprah, not counting the rights marketed abroad; and the 10 million euros for the chain, showing that the couple has a great impact on the screen.

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