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Harry and Meghan again fill in front pages: “Queen recommends hard Megxit” | Entertainment

entertainment">The news dominates almost all Sunday newspapers. “Queen orders a hard Megxit”, headlines The Sunday Mirror and The Sunday Telegraph writes about “the hardest megxit possible.”

At what price?

entertainment">Not only do the Sussexes renounce their royal titles, they also pay back the money for the renovation of Frogmore Cottage, will no longer receive government funds and Harry will give up his military positions. According to The Telegraph, the latter in particular see some as a harsh punishment: “The Sussexes have their freedom, but at what price?”

entertainment">The Sunday Times writes about a “historical” agreement. “The Queen’s statement conceals the painful reality of the possible long-term departure of the Sussexes from British public life.” The Observer also comes to that conclusion. Although Harry and Meghan were more or less looking for a way to take a “half” step back, it is more than that according to the newspaper.

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