Home » today » Health » Harris warns that the annulment of abortion in the US clears the way for the regulation of contraceptives

Harris warns that the annulment of abortion in the US clears the way for the regulation of contraceptives


The vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, has assured this Monday that the annulment of the ruling on abortion in the United States by the Supreme Court could “clear the way” for the abolition of the free use of contraceptive methods and marriage between people of the same sex in some states of the country.

“We believe that states that prohibit abortion from the moment of fertilization could restrict specific types of contraception, in particular, IUDs and the so-called morning-after pill (…)”, assured the US vice president, who has underlined homosexual marriage as another of “the principles that are at stake”.

In a White House statement, Harris has pointed out that the annulment of Roe versus Wade — the name by which the legal precedent for abortion is known and which has been used in the country since 1973 — puts at stake the principles freedom and self-determination, as well as other constitutional principles.

“I think we all believe and know that our nation was founded on certain principles that we hold dear … in particular, comes the constitutional right to privacy: the right of an individual to make decisions about his life, about his family, about his body without government interference. And so the stakes are high in the outcome of this decision,” Harris said.

In this sense, the Biden Administration has asked for advice from “a group of experts” to “better prepare” the American people for the consequences that the annulment of Roe versus Wade could have on their lives, such as that the states could interfere in personal decisions . Thus, Harris has pointed to three specific areas that states could address.

“One is the issue of data privacy and the possibility that, if Roe is annulled, the states that have criminalized abortion could cite a woman’s personal data,” said the vice president, who has detailed that the forces Government agencies may be interested in tracking the Internet history of women seeking help for termination of pregnancy.

Likewise, Harris has assured that states could potentially restrict IVF if “their definition of life begins at the point of fertilization.” “I’d like to talk to these experts about their thoughts on that and whether or not the law is in place … in terms of the protection that people have if they’re in the IVF process,” she added.

Finally, he has hinted that contraceptive methods such as IUDs and the morning-after pill could also be at risk.

Harris has insisted that the states that have passed anti-abortion laws are states that also seek to restrict the rights of trans people, homosexual people, as well as the freedom to vote.

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