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Harris turns polls on its head and overtakes Trump in three key states

Kamala Harris has ridden the wave. There is growing evidence that the vice president’s surge is real in the race for the US presidential election in November.

There are several factors that prove this. Since the time of Barack Obama, there have not been such massive Democratic rallies.

Donald Trump has lost his bearings. He has lost his way, not knowing how to adapt to the new scenario without Joe Biden – in his desperation he spreads that Biden will regain the nomination –, where the crowds are no longer his and where there are more and more people who doubt his mental stability.

Mass attendance at political events does not guarantee a majority, as the former president himself experienced in the 2020 campaign.

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But that energy recharge at the Democratic candidate’s rallies and the new electoral cycle was reinforced this Saturday when the poll The New York Times-Siena College gave Harris the win (50%) over Trump (46%) in three key battles such as the states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. This represents a complete reversal of the trend prior to Harris’ emergence.

This poll has special significance because it was this poll, more than any other, that caused great anxiety among Democrats over the poor performance attributed to President Biden.

US Elections

The numbers add fuel to the momentum of the Democratic presidential campaign

Another poll, by the Nevada Independent, gives the vice president a six-point lead in the state. This poll also represents another shift in the voter base.

“Although the reshaped electoral race is still in its volatile first weeks, Democrats are now in a notably stronger position in three swing states that have long been key to the party’s victories or defeats,”

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Javier de la Sotilla

Harris’s favorability ratings have risen by as much as ten points in those three states and she has a significant lead on whether “she is smarter and temperamentally better suited to govern,” the data analysis article adds.

But the results also show the vice president’s vulnerabilities. Voters prefer Trump to handle the economy and immigration, issues that remain central.

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Javier de la Sotilla

And this is the problem that is attributed to the Republican candidate’s inability to adapt to the new situation that has arisen. “There is no one, with the possible exception of the president himself, who has mourned the end of Joe Biden’s reelection campaign more than Donald Trump,” Susan Glasser remarked in The New Yorker.

Even as conservatives ask him to focus on the program and forget about grievances, the former president continues to stick to his guns. In response to Harris’ massive rallies, he compared himself to Martin Luther King in terms of drawing power. He claimed that his coup protest on January 6, 2021, brought together more people in Washington than the black leader’s famous “I’ve had a dream” speech in 1963. King drew a quarter of a million people and Trump barely 20,000.

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