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Harris criticizes Trump for calling himself the father of in vitro fertilization – Telemundo 52

Vice President <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/donald-trump-whats-behind-the-us-presidents-baltimore-attack/" title="Donald Trump: What's behind the US President's Baltimore attack”>Kamala Harris on Wednesday criticized former President Donald Trump’s recent comments about in vitro fertilization (IVF), pointing out his administration’s impact on abortion restrictions across the country.

Harris told reporters that she “found it pretty strange” when Trump said in an all-women’s town hall on Fox News that aired Wednesday morning: “I’m the father of IVF.”

“He should be held accountable for the fact that one in three women in America lives in a state where Trump bans abortion,” Harris said as she left Detroit. “There should be accountability that couples who are praying, hoping and working to start a family have felt so let down and hurt by the fact that IVF treatments have now been put at risk.”

He argued that his appointment of the Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade undermined his claim.

“Let’s not be distracted by his choice of words,” he said. “The reality is that his actions have been very harmful to women and families in the United States.”

In a press release from Harris’ campaign after the event aired, she highlighted her comments about the “father of IVF” as an “example of exactly why women don’t trust him” more broadly on issues. reproductive health.

Trump made the comments about IVF during a town hall event that was recorded Tuesday and aired Wednesday.

“I’m the father of IVF, so I want to hear this question,” Trump said as the moderator directed the next voter to ask a question.

Trump also said at the forum that “we are totally in favor of IVF.”

Previously, in an interview with NBC News, he had stated that if elected, his administration would have the government or insurance companies foot the bill for the procedure.

“Donald Trump handpicked members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they undo the protections of Roe v Wade,” Harris said.

When asked to comment on Harris’ remarks, Republican campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said Trump’s comments about being “the father of IVF” were just “a joke.”

“It was a joke by President Trump when he enthusiastically responded to a question about IVF because he strongly supports widespread access to fertility treatments for women and families. The media should have a sense of humor,” Leavitt said.

At the forum, Trump again praised the fact that abortion has become an issue decided at the state level rather than the federal level after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending federal protections that had been in place for decades.

“What we were able to do is, really, because of the courage of six Supreme Court justices, we were able to do this after years and years of turmoil,” he said. “Now it’s back in the states.”

After the end of Roe v. Wade, abortion has been banned, restricted or made unavailable in more than 20 states, according to an NBC News analysis using data from the Center for Reproductive Rights.

Walz signed a bill that enshrined abortion rights into state law in 2023.

IVF became a campaign focus in February, when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through the procedure are children, prompting several clinics to suspend such fertility services.

The ruling sparked a swift backlash, and the state Legislature ultimately passed a bill to protect IVF, which the governor signed into law in March.

Congressional Democrats and some Republicans have tried several times to pass legislation to protect access to IVF at the federal level, but a majority of Republicans blocked the effort, arguing it was unnecessary and politically motivated.

An NBC News poll conducted this month found a wide gender gap heading into the election, with women favoring Harris by a margin of 14 percentage points and men favoring Trump by 16 points. The poll found that abortion was the top motivator for voters, an issue that 53% of registered voters thought Harris would handle better, compared to 34% of registered voters who chose Trump.

This article was originally published in English on NBC News. click here to read it.

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